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Harald E.L. Prins and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Acadia National Park, Maine: Asticou's Island Domain,&1xbet online casino ; American Indian Places: A Historical Guidebook, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2008.

Prins presented &1xbet online casino ;Anthropologists and Unesco's Hylea Amazon Project, 1946-1952,&1xbet online casino ; Oxford University, summer 2008.


Gerry Craig published &1xbet online casino ;Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park,&1xbet online casino ; anthology Landscapes for Art: Contemporary Sculpture Parks, published by the International Sculpture Center in collaboration with the University of Washington Press, September 2008.

Clinical sciences

Hans Coetzee presented &1xbet online casino ;Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM): What Does This Mean To a Rural Practitioner in Northern Ireland?&1xbet online casino ; &1xbet online casino ;Antimicrobial Therapy of Bovine Mastitis,&1xbet online casino ; &1xbet online casino ;Treatment and Prevention of Calf Scours,&1xbet online casino ; &1xbet online casino ;Ancillary Therapy of Pneumonia and Endotoxic Mastitis,&1xbet online casino ; &1xbet online casino ;Pain Management and Analgesia in Cattle&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Antimicrobial Therapy of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD),&1xbet online casino ; Association of Veterinary Surgeons Practising in Northern Ireland annual conference, Oct. 26-27, Northern Ireland.

James W. Carpenter presented eight lectures on small mammal medicine and surgery, Southwestern Veterinary Symposium, Oct. 3-5, Dallas, Texas.


The following K-State faculty presented at the 31st Applied Geography Conference, Oct. 15-18, Wilmington, Del. This presentation was also published in the Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, Vol. 31.

Melinda Daniels and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Assessing Dam Removal Impacts on Downstream Geomorphic Stability Using Hydrodynamic Modeling.&1xbet online casino ; This presentation was also published in the Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, Vol. 31.

Deborah Che, Bimal K. Paul and student, &1xbet online casino ;Public and Private Responses to the Dec. 28-31, 2006, High Plains Blizzard.&1xbet online casino ; This presentation was also published in the Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, Vol. 31.

Lisa Harrington organized the session &1xbet online casino ;Climatology and Applied Geography: A Tribute in Memory of John Oliver.&1xbet online casino ;

John Harrington chaired this session and presented &1xbet online casino ;Climate Classification, Climatic Years, and Climatic Change.&1xbet online casino ;

L. Harrington and J. Harrington co-edited the Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, Vol. 31.


The following K-State faculty presented at the Geological Society of America Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston Texas:

Iris Totten, &1xbet online casino ;An Earth Science Course for Pre-Service Teachers.&1xbet online casino ;

Totten and student, &1xbet online casino ;The Impact of Ability Grouping in Introductory Geology Labs.&1xbet online casino ;

Totten co-chaired the session, &1xbet online casino ;Geoscience Education II: Best Practices for Teaching Geoscience.&1xbet online casino ;

Matthew Totten, I. Totten, Sam Chaudhuri and student, &1xbet online casino ;Discrimination of Volcanic Ash in the Gulf of Mexico Using Trace and Rare Earth Elements.&1xbet online casino ;

Chaudhuri represented the Clay Mineral Society in the Soil Priority Session.

Keith B. Miller, &1xbet online casino ;Patterns, Predictions, and the Fossil Record: Keys to Public Understanding of Common Descent.&1xbet online casino ;

I. Totten participated in Geoscience Education Research and Geocognition Interest Group, co-sponsored by National Association of Geoscience Teachers.

Saugata Datta co-chaired the session, &1xbet online casino ;Geochemistry, Organic Geochemistry.&1xbet online casino ;

Datta and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Sediment Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Arsenic Affected Areas of Northern SonarBangla Aquifer, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.&1xbet online casino ;

Datta and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Detailed Clay Mineralogy and Pore Water Geochemistry of Mud and Thermal Measurements from the Vents from Baratang Mud Volcanoes from Andamans, India: Linking Tectonics to Mud Chemistry to Extrusion Mechanism.&1xbet online casino ;

Allen Archer and student, &1xbet online casino ;Deposition and Preservation of Estuarine Sediment, Turnagain Arm, Cook Inlet, Alaska.&1xbet online casino ;

Archer, colleague and student, &1xbet online casino ;Depositional Zonation and Hypertidal Sedimentation within Turnagain Arm, Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA.&1xbet online casino ;

Archer, &1xbet online casino ;Cyclic Tidal Rhythmites: Environmental, Astronomical, and Sequence-Stratigraphic Significance.&1xbet online casino ;

Human ecology

Majka Jankowiak and Gayle Doll presented &1xbet online casino ;The Fire Still Burns: Sexuality in Nursing Homes,&1xbet online casino ; American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging conference, Oct. 12-15, Philadelphia, Pa.

Modern languages

Claire L. Dehon published &1xbet online casino ;Le Roman chez les auteurs d'origine subsaharienne (2001-2006),&1xbet online casino ; French Review, Vol. 82, No. 1.

Wei Wu presented &1xbet online casino ;Direct Translation in American Culture Course is Not Necessary and Even Counter Productive Under Some Circumstances: K-State Case,&1xbet online casino ; The International Conference on Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication and Chinese Pedagogy, Oct. 24-25, Portland State University, Portland, Ore.

Multiple departments

The following K-State faculty presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management, Oct. 2-4, St. Louis, Mo.:

Andrew Wefald, Leadership Studies; Ron Downey, psychology; and students, &1xbet online casino ;A Structural Model of Work Load, Job Attitudes, Stress, and Turnover Intentions.&1xbet online casino ;

Wefald, Downey and students, &1xbet online casino ;The Relationship of Life and Job Satisfaction to Emerging Attitudes.&1xbet online casino ;

Tom Wright and Brian Niehoff, management; and Wefald; &1xbet online casino ;Character-Based Leadership: A Kansas State University Scholarship Showcase.&1xbet online casino ;


Thumm presented &1xbet online casino ;Control and Imaging of The Nuclear Dynamics in Small Molecules,&1xbet online casino ; 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Physics, Sept. 18-23, Heidelberg, Germany.

Thumm presented &1xbet online casino ;Towards the Complete Imaging of Molecular Dynamics With Ultra-Short Laser Pulses,&1xbet online casino ; US Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences contractors meeting, Sept. 14-17, Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton, Va.

Special education, counseling and student affairs

Jim Teagarden presented &1xbet online casino ;What Every Administrator Needs to Know About Behavior Management: 'Blood, Sweat, and Tiers,'&1xbet online casino ; Third Annual Conference for Administrators on Behavior Issues, Oct. 16, Overland Park.

Teagarden presented &1xbet online casino ;Dealing with Angry Adolescent Students in an RTI Setting,&1xbet online casino ; Kansas Association of School Psychologists/Council for Exceptional Children Joint Conference, Oct. 17, Junction City.

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