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  4. June 5, 2008/Vol. 30, No. 22


Hale Library

Laboratory operators from across the country have been participating in training on robotic &1xbet online casino ;real-time&1xbet online casino ; testing equipment at K-State.

The training is sponsored by the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, which was created by two U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies together with the American 1xbet online casino of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.

&1xbet online casino ;When the network first developed in 2002, the U.S. lacked the ability to conduct surveillance testing on the scale many believed would be necessary,&1xbet online casino ; said Dick Oberst, director of molecular diagnostics. &1xbet online casino ;The purpose of the network is to promote early detection, rapid response and testing to demonstrate the appropriate level of recovery from animal disease.&1xbet online casino ;

As a member of the network, K-State's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory recently began incorporating &1xbet online casino ;high throughput&1xbet online casino ; technologies such as robotics, said Gary Anderson, lab director.

&1xbet online casino ;The training is part of a cooperative agreement to develop and validate standard operating procedures for high-throughput testing of important foreign animal diseases.&1xbet online casino ;

1xbet online casino 's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory would be first to diagnose avian flu should it come to Kansas.

A total of six two-day courses to &1xbet online casino ;train the trainer&1xbet online casino ; are taking place through July at the Biosecurity Research Institute at Pat Roberts Hall.

Instructors will come from 1xbet online casino 's Veterinary Diagnostic Lab; the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Plum Island, N.Y.; and the National Veterinary Services Laboratories, Ames, Iowa.


Sajid Alavi, grain science and industry, and colleagues published &1xbet online casino ;Barrier and Mechanical Properties of Starch-Clay Nanocomposite Films,&1xbet online casino ; Cereal Chemistry, Vol. 85, No. 3.

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On Campus - June

June 7
Beach museum workshop
Beach Museum of Art workshopLearn to explore art with children during a workshop for parents, teachers and home-school providers, &1xbet online casino ;Young Children and the Art Museum,&1xbet online casino ; at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 7, at the Beach Museum. Childcare and a workshop for kids will be provided. Make reservations for the free event by calling 532-7718.

June 10
Waste workshop
Waste management for universities, Fiedler Hall. For more 1xbet online casino , contact the Division of Continuing Education conference registration office, 785-532-5569.

June 12
Ladies night

Participants will view illustrated letters by noted artists before unleashing their own creativity while making personal journals. 6:30-8:30 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. Admission is ; register by calling 785-532-7718.

June 16-19
Music Symposium

Speakers, displays and performances for music educators, McCain Auditorium. For more 1xbet online casino , contact the Division of Continuing Education conference registration office 785-532-5569.

Where leaders learn

Major Josh Higgins wanted to pursue a master's 1xbet online casino while attending U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. 1xbet onli

Sustainable wardrobes

People's clothing, homes and furnishings say a lot about their values. Melody LeHew sees a big opportunity to add sustainability to that conversation. Read more


Always on the go

Most people at 1xbet online casino know Karen Hunter as a customer services specialist with 1xbet online casino printing services. But in addition to graphic design work and helping customers, she also works as a server and bartender at Whiskey Creek, as a salesperson for K.O. Beef & Quality Foods with Country Stampede, and somehow finds time to volunteer with the Riley County Police Department and the Riley County Fire Department. 1xbet best


GOETSCH TO HEAD U.S. COLLEGE 1xbet online casino GROUP

Lori A. GoetschLori A. Goetsch, dean of libraries, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the 1xbet online casino of College and Research Libraries. She will become president-elect after the 2008 American Library 1xbet online casino Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif, and will assume the presidency in July 2009 for a one-year term.

&1xbet online casino ;I plan to use my presidential year to give special focus to exploring issues and opportunities for library workforce development and the changing skill sets we need in our libraries,&1xbet online casino ; Goetsch said. &1xbet online casino ;Our ability to recruit and retain talented staff for this ‘new work' is clearly an issue of growing interest in the profession and is now part of the association's strategic plan.&1xbet online casino ;

Goetsch has held numerous positions in the association, including serving as 1xbet online casino -at-large on its board and as a member of the 2005 National Conference Invited Papers Committee.
&1xbet online casino ;Lori's knowledge of the board's work over the last few years will be invaluable as the association continues to reinvent its structure and systems to meet member needs,&1xbet online casino ; said Mary Ellen Davis, executive director.


David KozarDavid Kozar, a program assistant in the Division of Continuing Education and a student in 1xbet online casino 's graduate certificate program in conflict resolution, has been named a World Peace Fellow by Rotary International.

Seventy fellows 1xbet online casino 33 countries were selected for their leadership potential in government, business, education, media and other professional areas.

The Rotary fellowship will fund 1xbet online casino 's studies toward a master's in peace and conflict resolution at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

&1xbet online casino ;The selection process was very demanding and lasted for more than a year,&1xbet online casino ; said Kozar.

After graduating from K-State in 2002 in Spanish and international studies, Kozar, of Manhattan, founded Devolver Films Co. He spent months in Bosnia and Herzegovina working on a feature-length documentary, &1xbet online casino ;Decade from Destruction.&1xbet online casino ; The film, which focuses on the struggles of life in post-conflict society, is in postproduction.

Kozar is on the advisory board of Training Workshops International for the Children. He works with a team of international volunteers to develop inter-ethnic children's 1xbet online casino and adult education seminars to promote community reconciliation across the Balkans.

His other responsibilities include developing and implementing summer-abroad volunteer 1xbet online casino to Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro for university students; coordinating language training; meeting with government and education professionals to develop future 1xbet online casino ; and monitoring 1xbet online casino in Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro.


Jones honored for airline air 1xbet online casino work

Byron Jones, associate dean for research and graduate 1xbet online casino and director of the Engineering Experiment Station, will receive the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standards Achievement Award June 21 at the society's 2008 annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Jones is being recognized for his work in chairing the committee responsible for the society's new Standard 161, Air 1xbet online casino Within Commercial Aircraft.

The standard, 1xbet online casino covers issues such as temperature, cabin pressure, air contaminants and ventilation rates, can be voluntarily adopted by individual airlines or the Federal Aviation Administration.

&1xbet online casino ;Compliance with this standard will go a long way toward ensuring good air quality for passengers and crews,&1xbet online casino ; said Jones, who has chaired the committee since 1999.



Gayle Appel Doll has been named 1xbet online casino of the Center on Aging in the College of Human Ecology. The appointment becomes effective June 15.

Doll had previously served as the center's interim 1xbet online casino and was appointed to the 1xbet online casino 's position after a nationally competitive search.

As director, she will coordinate and develop educational and training 1xbet online casino in aging, stimulate aging research, coordinate outreach activities and guide the center to become the top referral center for information on aging resources in Kansas.

&1xbet online casino ;I'm more excited about the field now than the day I started,&1xbet online casino ; Doll said. &1xbet online casino ;I get to be a teacher, a connector, a communicator, a leader. I get to teach students to change their perceptions about aging processes. I get to see awe-inspiring examples of successful aging.&1xbet online casino ;

2+2 1xbet online casino EXPANDED IN MANHATTAN

1xbet online casino signed two 2+2 agreements with Manhattan Area Technical College May 8 on the school's campus, pushing the number of such programs over 40.

The agreements allow students to obtain an associate of applied science degree from the technical college and then complete a bachelor's degree from 1xbet online casino through distance education.

The signing included the following agreements: associate of applied science in computer-aided drafting technology and bachelor's degree in technology management; and associate of applied science in information and network technology and bachelor's degree in technology management. The bachelor's programs are offered through 1xbet online casino at Salina.

1xbet online casino representatives at the signing included Dennis Kuhlman, dean of 1xbet online casino at Salina; Betty Stevens, associate dean of continuing education and associate vice provost for information technology partnerships; and David Stewart, assistant dean of continuing education.

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• A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment 1xbet online casino Line, 785-532-6271.

• A list of employment 1xbet online casino is posted at www.1xbet online casino edu/hr/

• For additional 1xbet online casino , call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.


• A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.1xbet online casino edu/affact/

• For additional 1xbet online casino , call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall.

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