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C. Lewis Cocke and student published &1xbet online sports betting ;Fragmentation Pathways for Selected Electronic States of the Acetylene Dication,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Physics B, May 2008.


E. Wayne Nafziger presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Economic Regress and Niger Delta Grievances&1xbet online sports betting ; and was chair for first plenary session &1xbet online sports betting ;Peace Building Strategies in the Niger Delta,&1xbet online sports betting ; First International Conference on the Nigerian State, Oil Industry and the Niger Delta, March 11-12, Niger Delta University, Yenagoa, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.


Amir Tavakkol published &1xbet online sports betting ;International Corporate Transfer Policies and the Dual Perspectives in Evaluating Cross-Border Investments,&1xbet online sports betting ; Proceedings of the International Business and Economy Conference, January 2008.


The following faculty presented at the 104th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 15-19, Boston:

Max Lu, &1xbet online sports betting ;Economic Restructuring and Population Change in the Great Plains.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Shawn Hutchinson, &1xbet online sports betting ;Connectivity of the American Agricultural Landscape: A Graph-Theoretic Approach using GIS.&1xbet online sports betting ;

John Harrington Jr., the panel session &1xbet online sports betting ;Taking the 'Voodoo' out of Science: Improving Stakeholder-Science Communications.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Richard Marston, &1xbet online sports betting ;Glacier Changes and Weather Modification, Wind River Range, Wyoming.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Doug Goodin, &1xbet online sports betting ;Landscape Constraints on Hantavirus Distribution in Paraguay: A Hierarchical Framework for Landscape Epidemiology.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Marcelus Caldas, &1xbet online sports betting ;Land Reform in the Brazilian Amazon: Does Economic Development Lead to Social Justice and Environmental Degradation?&1xbet online sports betting ;

Ben Champion, &1xbet online sports betting ;Mapping Uneven Development through the Connectivities of Local Food.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Deborah Che, the panel session &1xbet online sports betting ;How Many Chinese in a Chinatown? Reports from Empirical Research on Overseas Chinese Settlement.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Anne Donovan, &1xbet online sports betting ;Creole Comeback: Mapping the Culinary Landscape of Post-Katrina New Orleans.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Bimal Paul, &1xbet online sports betting ;Emerging Weekend-based Therapeutic Landscape: An Empirical Study.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Grain science and industry

Fred Fairchild presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Feed Industry Training Then, Now, and What's Next,&1xbet online sports betting ; Stock Feed Manufacturers Council of Australia, April 14, Sydney.

Fairchild presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Energy Conservation in the Feed Mill&1xbet online sports betting ; and &1xbet online sports betting ;Energy Conservation in the Flour Mill,&1xbet online sports betting ; biennial Australasian Milling Conference, April 15-16, Sydney.

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David Wetzel presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Recent Infrared Microspectroscopy and Imaging Studies Involving Wheat Germination, Protein Secondary Structure Using Hgcdte and Insb Detection in Confocal-Single or Array Optical Configurations,&1xbet online sports betting ; Bosphorous Conference of the International Association for Cereal Sciences and Technology, April, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Hulya Dogan and colleagues presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Genetic Expression in Plant Material Revealed with Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging,&1xbet online sports betting ; Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March, New Orleans.

Modern languages

Peter Arnds created Web site activities for the &1xbet online sports betting ;Salve&1xbet online sports betting ; Italian textbook, published by Heinle Cengage Learning.

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Arnds published &1xbet online sports betting ;Teaching Race in Gunter Grass's 'Tin Drum,' &1xbet online sports betting ; in &1xbet online sports betting ;Approaches to Teaching Grass's 'The Tin Drum,' &1xbet online sports betting ; published by the Modern Language Association.

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Amy Hubbell presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Viewing the Past through a 'Nostalgeric' Lens: Pied-Noir Photo-documentaries,&1xbet online sports betting ; Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, April 11, Buffalo, N.Y.

Multiple departments

Deborah Che, geography, and Ted Cable, horticulture, forestry and recreation, &1xbet online sports betting ;Prairie Dogs as Vermin or Keystone Species: The Battle Over Cattle Ranching Practices, Private Property Rights, and the Ecology of the Short-grass Prairie,&1xbet online sports betting ; 104th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 15-19, Boston.

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Kevin R. Roberts, Elizabeth B. Barrett, Amber D. Howells, hotel, restaurant institution management and dietetics; Carol W. Shanklin, Graduate School; and Laura A. Brannon and student, psychology; published &1xbet online sports betting ;Food Safety Training and Foodservice Employees' Knowledge and Behavior,&1xbet online sports betting ; Food Protection Trends, Vol. 28, No. 4.


Frederick Burrack presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Developing Student Port-folios in your High School Music Program&1xbet online sports betting ; Music Educators National Conference, April 12, Milwaukee, Wis.

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Craig B. Parker presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Schoenberg at UCLA,&1xbet online sports betting ; Schoenberg Retrospective festival and symposium, March 21, the University of Missouri–Kansas City.

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Parker presented &1xbet online sports betting ;A Brief History of the Great Plains Chapter of the College Music Society,&1xbet online sports betting ; joint meeting of the Great Lakes and Great Plains Chapters of the College Music Society, March 28, Normal, Ill.

Political science

Dale Herspring published &1xbet online sports betting ;Rumsfeld's Wars: The Arrogance of Power,&1xbet online sports betting ; University Press of Kansas.


Anh-Thu Le, Chii Lin and student published &1xbet online sports betting ;Retrieval of Interatomic Separations of Molecules from Laser-Induced High-Order Harmonic Spectra,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol. 41, 2008.


Gary Brase published &1xbet online sports betting ;Frequency Interpretation of Ambiguous Statistical Information Facilitates Bayesian Reasoning,&1xbet online sports betting ; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2008.

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Brase presented &1xbet online sports betting ;Do Pictures Promote Nested-Set or Frequency Representations in Judgments Under Uncertainty?&1xbet online sports betting ; Oklahoma/Kansas Judgment and Decision Making Conference, April, Oklahoma City.

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Richard Harris delivered &1xbet online sports betting ;Myths about the Media: Evil Mind Control or Good Clean Fun?&1xbet online sports betting ; as plenary speaker at the Pembroke Undergraduate Research and Creativity Forum, April 23, University of North Carolina–Pembroke. He also spoke at the Esther G. Maynor Honors College Annual Banquet, same day, place.

Harris and students published &1xbet online sports betting ;The Effect of the Amount of Blood in a Violent Video Game on Aggression, Hostility, and Arousal,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 44, 2008.

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Donald Saucier and students published &1xbet online sports betting ;Meta-analyses of the Effects of Media Images on Men's Body-Image Concerns,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 27, 2008.

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Saucier and students published &1xbet online sports betting ;The Impact of Racial Slurs and Racism on the Perceptions and Punishment of Violent Crime,&1xbet online sports betting ; Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2008.