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Anatomy and the artist

Medical illustrator helps faculty, students see the animal inside

Whether she's creating detailed drawings of an animal's bone structure or helping a researcher design a poster, Mal Hoover has learned patience.

Hoover is a medical illustrator and graphic design specialist with Digital Information, Support and Creative Services in K-State's Veterinary Medical Library.

Mal Hoover&1xbet online casino ;Every day is different,&1xbet online casino ; Hoover said. &1xbet online casino ;I never know what kind of project I'm going to get each day or who I'm going to work with.&1xbet online casino ;

An example of her patience paying off? One of her illustrations -- of a jockey on a horse in mid-stride -- made the cover of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. That was in July 2002, 10 years after she had submitted it.

&1xbet online casino ;The editors waited until they had an equine-themed issue,&1xbet online casino ; Hoover said. &1xbet online casino ;It was a very cool surprise.&1xbet online casino ;

Hoover belongs to the Association of Medical Illustrators. Members are primarily artists who facilitate the recording and dissemination of medical and bio-scientific knowledge through visual media, according to the group's Web site. She is pursuing board certification through the association.

In her cubicle on the fourth floor of Trotter Hall, plants coexist with the computer Hoover uses to run Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop programs. An electronic tablet makes it easy to upload sketches. But she hasn't abandoned analog art: One corner of her work space holds the lamp and colored pencils necessary for some projects.

Of her 27-year career in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Hoover says simply, &1xbet online casino ;I help instructors by providing visual materials.&1xbet online casino ; This is something of an understatement.

Hoover also creates logos, PowerPoint presentations and illustrations for researchers writing journal articles. She also turns out tone drawings and stippled pieces.

In addition to relying on her for that work, faculty, staff and students also turn to Hoover for instruction on a variety of software packages.

&1xbet online casino ;She has a unique position and a lot of talent,&1xbet online casino ; said Cindy Logan, manager of the Digital Information Services Center. &1xbet online casino ;The detail she can create with an illustration is superb.&1xbet online casino ;

Hoover's drawing of a cat's skullThough she has since made a career of her artistic abilities, Hoover didn't even know she had a talent for drawing until college.

&1xbet online casino ;I took Drawing 1, figured out I could draw and fell in love with it,&1xbet online casino ; said the K-State graduate.

Anatomy drawings are Hoover's favorite task.

&1xbet online casino ;They are three-dimensional and I get to make them really lifelike,&1xbet online casino ; she said.

Surgical drawings are the toughest; Hoover says she usually has to brush up on anatomy to complete those projects.

&1xbet online casino ;I try to see the procedure in 3-D and put it on paper so that it makes sense,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;It's not unusual to have multiple revisions with a project.&1xbet online casino ;

This patience and flexibility has led Hoover through a career that she finds rewarding.

&1xbet online casino ;I couldn't do it without this team,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;I don't think I could work anywhere else or be happy anywhere else.&1xbet online casino ;

Photos: Mal Hoover works with such software as Illustrator and Photoshop, but she still uses pencil and paper to render illustrations like this one of a cat’s skull. Photos by Dave Adams