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Janet Benson presented &1xbet best casino website ;As American As We Could Be,&1xbet best casino website ; Finney County Historical Society's Brown Bag Lunch series, Feb. 12.


Michael W. Babcock presented &1xbet best casino website ;Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities: A Kansas Case Study,&1xbet best casino website ; 49th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, March 18, Fort Worth, Texas.


Marcelus Caldas and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Road Building, Land Use and Climate Change: Prospects for Environmental Governance in the Amazon,&1xbet best casino website ; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (published online).

Grain science and industry

Subramanyam Bhadriraju and student presented &1xbet best casino website ;Antibiotic-Resistant and Virulent Enterococci in Animal Feed,&1xbet best casino website ; American Society for Microbiology, Missouri Valley branch meeting, March 14-15, Liberty, Mo.

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David L. Wetzel and colleagues presented &1xbet best casino website ;Thermal Processing of Protein on Optical Substrate Reveals Structural Changes via FT-IR Microspectroscopy,&1xbet best casino website ; &1xbet best casino website ;FT-IR Microspectroscopic Imaging Provides Objective Chemically Defined Morphological Class Discrimination in Wheat,&1xbet best casino website ; &1xbet best casino website ;InSb Imaging Provides Nondestructive Subsurface Polychromatic Chemical Discrimination of Germinated Seeds,&1xbet best casino website ; &1xbet best casino website ;Effects of Radio Protectant Amifostine on Irradiated Rat Brain Tissues Studied by FT-IR Microspectroscopy and Imaging,&1xbet best casino website ; &1xbet best casino website ;Nutritional Dynamics of Stream Algal Biofilms via FT-IR Microspectroscopy and Imaging&1xbet best casino website ; and &1xbet best casino website ;Genetic Expression in Plant Material Revealed with Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging,&1xbet best casino website ; Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March 1-7, New Orleans.

Hotel, restaurant, institution management and dietetics

Deborah D. Canter presented the 26th annual Karen Wright Memorial Lecture, &1xbet best casino website ;Dietetics Education: A Glimpse at the Past, A Peek at the Future,&1xbet best casino website ; Alabama Dietetic Association annual meeting, March 14, Birmingham, Ala.

Multiple departments

Diane Swanson, management; and Dann Fisher, accounting; edited &1xbet best casino website ;Advancing Business Ethics Education,&1xbet best casino website ; Information Age Publishing, 2008.

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Yasuyuki Arakane, Karl J. Kramer and Subbaratnam Muthukrishnan, biochemistry; Renata Bolognesi, Susan Brown, Rob Denell, Teresa D. Shippy and Yoshinori Tomoyasu, biology; Bin Li, Marce Lorenzen, Jeremy Marshall and Yoonseong Park, entomology; and student and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;The Genome of the Model Beetle and Pest Tribolium Castaneum,&1xbet best casino website ; Nature, March 23.


Frederick Burrack published &1xbet best casino website ;Using Video Conference Technology to Enhance Supervision of Student Teachers,&1xbet best casino website ; Academic Intersections, Vol. 2.


Zenghu Chang, Cheng Quan Li, Hiroki Mashiko and students published &1xbet best casino website ;Double Optical Gating of High-Order Harmonic Generation with Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilized Lasers,&1xbet best casino website ; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, No. 10.