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Freeman takes on Olathe Innovation Campus role

As associate vice president, she will build relationships, markets

Lisa Freeman is taking her knack for 1xbet online sports betting and relationship-building from the College of Veterinary Medicine to a new role at the K-State Olathe Innovation Campus.

Lisa FreemanFreeman, associate dean of 1xbet online sports betting and graduate programs at the vet school, has been named associate vice president of innovation by the K-State Olathe Innovation Campus, Inc., board of directors.

"The Olathe innovation campus will serve as a bridge between K-State's Manhattan campus and the academic and industrial resources in the greater Kansas City area," Freeman said. "I'm looking forward to creating new programs for pre-college outreach, graduate education and professional development in animal health and food safety."

Freeman also will encourage an entrepreneurial culture on the Olathe campus. Among her tasks will be the transfer of 1xbet online sports betting and ideas from the lab to the marketplace.

"We are very fortunate to have attracted someone of Lisa Freeman's caliber," said Dan Richardson, CEO of the Olathe campus. "Her professional expertise and track record are a perfect match for the vision and mission of the campus, and her experience with public and private interests will be critical to our success in Olathe."

In 1994 Freeman joined K-State's department of anatomy and physiology, where she taught pharmacology. Since then she has served as a 1xbet online sports betting mentor and role model for postdoctoral students, clinical residents and young faculty members. In 2001, she was named director of mentored training, and in 2005 she became associate dean for 1xbet online sports betting and graduate programs. In that role she supported 1xbet online sports betting efforts of college faculty and trainees and advanced the 1xbet online sports betting capabilities and reputation of the college through interactions with industry, government and commodity groups.

"Lisa has more than proved herself as a professor, mentor, researcher and administrator in the past 14 years with the College of Veterinary Medicine," said Ron Trewyn, vice president for 1xbet online sports betting and chair of the Olathe campus board.

Freeman also will help facilitate 1xbet online sports betting programs at the Biosecurity 1xbet online sports betting Institute here in Manhattan, including the coordination of infectious disease 1xbet online sports betting initiatives with other institutions.

Photo: Lisa Freeman, right, says the Olathe innovation campus will serve as a bridge between K-State's Manhattan campus and the academic and industrial resources in the greater Kansas City area. Photo by Dave Adams, College of Veterinary Medicine.