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For the love of rock 'n' roll

Robert 1xbet online casino collects classic rock and blues memorabilia

On the few occasions he’s frequented bars in Aggieville, Robert 1xbet online casino is always pleased to find that many of the songs he loved in his youth live on in the jukeboxes that cater to a younger crowd.

The civil engineering professor is a baby boomer, part of a generation that was defined by ideas of change and revolution. The music that both influenced and took inspiration from that post-war cultural shift is something 1xbet online casino remembers fondly.

1xbet online casino ’ love for rock ’n’ roll and its blues foundations is evident in the memorabilia and instruments in his Fiedler Hall office. An autographed picture of Chuck Berry hangs next to a concert poster for the Rolling Stones’ first U.S. tour in 1965, the first time 1xbet online casino heard the band in concert.

One of 1xbet online casino ’ favorite pieces is a framed 1960s photo of guitarist Brian Jones, a founding member of the Rolling Stones. Jones’ head is turned, his expression earnest under his moptop hairstyle, as he plays a white tear-drop Vox guitar.

&1xbet online casino ;When I was younger, I always thought that if I had a guitar like that, my life would be complete,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes said with a chuckle. Growing up in Ohio, he played guitar in a garage band.

Years later, still a fan, 1xbet online casino purchased a Brian Jones autograph online; it’s displayed below the picture.

&1xbet online casino ;I like to think it’s his signature, but it could be Brian Jones the football player,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes joked.

When asked to name his favorite Rolling Stones album, Stokes doesn’t hesitate to name &1xbet online casino ;12 by 5,&1xbet online casino ; an album released in 1964 that showcased the band’s blues roots.

&1xbet online casino ;I’ve always loved the blues,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes said. &1xbet online casino ;It’s just basic, heart-felt music. The simplicity of it is appealing. While it may have simple chord structures, it’s only good if someone plays it with feeling, really puts their heart into it.&1xbet online casino ;

1xbet online casino particularly enjoys Chicago-style blues (think Muddy Waters or the Paul Butterfield Blues Band), which is characterized by electric guitar stylings and usually has a drummer, bassist, guitarist, vocalist and sometimes a harmonica player or slide guitarist.

This love of music led 1xbet online casino into his other hobby: restoring guitars. Although he doesn’t display any of the retooled guitars in his office, 1xbet online casino does display a tiny homage to guitar innovator Les Paul.

Matted in a frame is a guitar pick used by Paul, along with an autograph that a former student got at a Paul performance.

&1xbet online casino ;A lot of the stuff is given to me, since people know I collect this kind of memorabilia,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes said.

Although 1xbet online casino didn’t attend Woodstock, he does display a ticket next to his framed doctoral degree from Texas A&M. University. Cost of admission to the famous fest: .

But 1xbet online casino has seen many of the performers from that era. He can remember seeing Bob Dylan soon after the artist had switched to an electric sound.

&1xbet online casino ;He was booed off the stage,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes said. &1xbet online casino ;He played two sets, and the first one was acoustic, so people enjoyed it. But for the second set he played electric. People started leaving, booing and calling him a ‘sellout.’ He just politely thanked the crowd and ended the show.&1xbet online casino ;

1xbet online casino saw Jimi Hendrix during the musician’s brief career.

&1xbet online casino ;You knew that you were seeing someone who never played the guitar like that before,&1xbet online casino ; Stokes said.

Why does 1xbet online casino think that so much of the music from his generation has withstood the test of time?

&1xbet online casino ;It was homemade music, simple enough music that anyone could to it,&1xbet online casino ; he said. &1xbet online casino ;And it’s just good music that speaks to universal concepts.&1xbet online casino ;