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Wayne Nafziger chaired a panel discussion on information technology and bio-tech for the International Institute for Labour Studies (Geneva), the Indian Council of Social Science Research (New Delhi), and Institute for Human Development (New Delhi) at an international workshop on &1xbet online casino ;Global Production Networks and Decent Work: Recent Experience in India and Global Trends,&1xbet online casino ; Nov. 19, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India.

Nafziger also presented the second annual Distinguished Lecture, &1xbet online casino ;Economic Development, Inequality, and War,&1xbet online casino ; Dec. 7, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi.


Marsha Frey published &1xbet online casino ;Daily Lives of Civilizations in Wartime Europe, 1618-1900,&1xbet online casino ; edited by Linda and Marsha Frey, 2007, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn.

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Robert D. Linder published &1xbet online casino ;The Reformation Era,&1xbet online casino ; 2008, Greenwood Press.

Modern languages

Jennifer Askey published &1xbet online casino ;Growing into a Nation: Queen Louise and the Lessons of Nationalism in Adolescent Fiction for Girls,&1xbet online casino ; in &1xbet online casino ;Women Against Napoleon: Historical and Fictional Responses to his Rise and Legacy,&1xbet online casino ; 2007, University of Chicago Press.

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Claire Dehon published &1xbet online casino ;Le personnage victime dans le roman francophone en Afrique subsaharienne&1xbet online casino ; in &1xbet online casino ;Plaisance&1xbet online casino ; 11 (2007): 129-137.

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Amy L. Hubbell presented &1xbet online casino ;Repeating or Remembering? Marie Cardinal’s Edited Past&1xbet online casino ; at the Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association Conference, Nov. 2, Bellingham, Wash.

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Emma Betz presented two papers at the annual Convention of the National Communication Association, November, Chicago.

&1xbet online casino ;Syntactic Resources for Managing Speakership and Recipiency in Everyday Interaction: Pivots in German Conversation,&1xbet online casino ; which won two awards. She also presented &1xbet online casino ;Repair Uptake in German Interactions: Sustaining and Removing Epistemic Asymmetry,&1xbet online casino ; (with A. Golato) at the same convention.

Multiple departments

The following K-State faculty members presented at the fifth annual Genes in Ecology, Ecology in Genes Symposium, Nov. 9-11, Kansas City:

Anthony Joern, Samantha Wisely, biology, students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Adaptive Divergence in Host Plant Use and Historical Demography in the Grasshopper Hesperotettix viridis.&1xbet online casino ;

Wisely, biology; Rolan Davis, diagnostic medicine and pathobiology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Contrasting the Epidemiology of Evolutionarily Independent Strains of Rabies in a Common Host Species.&1xbet online casino ;

Brett Sandercock, Wisely, biology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Hybrid Molecules Result From Small Deletions on the CHD-Z Intron, But Lead to Big Errors in Avian Sexing Analyses.&1xbet online casino ;

Timothy Todd, John Blair, Michael Herman, plant pathology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Prairie Soil Bacteria Induce Expression of C. Elegans Genes Involved in Fitness and Innate Immunity.&1xbet online casino ;

Erin Frank, plant pathology; Jianfa Bai, diagnostic medicine and pathobiology; Welti, biology; &1xbet online casino ;Rust and Drought Effects on Gene Expression and Phytohormone Concentration in the Dominant Species of Tallgrass Prairie.&1xbet online casino ;

Richard Jeannotte, Welti, biology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Plant Adaptation to Elevated Carbon Dioxide: Using a Lipidomic Approach to Identify Alterations in Lipid Metabolism and Signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana.&1xbet online casino ;

Wisely, biology; Gregory Peterson, Sanjeev Narayanan, diagnostic medicine and pathobiology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Ecotoxicogenomics of Fecal Bacteria of Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in a Former Heavy Metal Mine.&1xbet online casino ;

Lilia Macovei, Ludek Zurek, entomology; Aqeel Ahmad, biology; Doina Caragea, computing and information sciences; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Ecology of Environmental Enterococcus faecalis: Characterization of the fsrABC Operon and Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence Determinants.&1xbet online casino ;

Mark Ungerer, biology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Investigating Bacterial Diversity Along Hot Spring Thermal Gradients by rRNA-Tag Pyrosequencing.&1xbet online casino ;

Srini Kambhampati, entomology; students and colleagues, &1xbet online casino ;Ontological Analysis of Five cDNA Libraries of Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).&1xbet online casino ;