Bachelor's in News & Sports 1xbet online casino

The 60 credit hour undergraduate degree in news and sports 1xbet online casino (NSM)  prepares future journalists and 1xbet online casino professionals to share nonfiction stories ethically, professionally, and creatively on any 1xbet online casino platform.

  • Students develop essential skills in storytelling content creation and distribution such as writing and reporting, broadcasting, social 1xbet online casino news strategies, podcasting, sports journalism, and digital photo and video. 
  • Exposure to journalistic storytelling tools such as social 1xbet online casino platforms, drones, streaming video, and other developing technologies.  
  • Further specialize a degree by pursuing a concentration in a specific content area such as news, sports, photography, or others in which they develop advanced skills.
  • Personalize a degree with an outside concentration that enables students to pair knowledge of news and sports 1xbet online casino and journalism with a particular support area. The hands-on nature of courses prepares students to pursue careers such as photojournalism, 1xbet online casino  production, sports broadcasting, news reporting, data journalism, and more.

NSM Curriculum Guide