Olsen and 1xbet online sports betting publish new research on professional relationships, consult industry on best practices

March 28, 2023

With mentorship at the forefront of ways managers can support early-career professionals in a variety of industries, new findings from assistant professors in the A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication, Katie Olsen and Danielle 1xbet online sports betting , suggest that the focus should be on organization and industry-wide professional relationship development rather than formal mentoring programs.

Fueled by the industry’s gender gap at the leadership level, Olsen and 1xbet online sports betting published this research as a continuation of their “Trajectory 1xbet online sports betting ” initiative, which provides tools for those starting out in their careers to create meaningful paths to leadership positions. Through interviews with 31 early-career women in advertising and public relations, the researchers found that the young women were deeply impacted by informal 1xbet online sports betting , more than any other type of socialization experience.

“We identified an intersection of powerful experiences stemming from these 1xbet online sports betting ,” Olsen said. “Young women learned the art and power of advocacy; they learned about access to high-profile work opportunities; and they observed effective role-modeling from more senior women who demonstrated career navigation and work-life balance.”

Olsen LaGree research

The article, “Taking action in the first five years to increase career equality: the impact of 1xbet online sports betting on young women’s advancement,” was published in 1xbet online sports betting in Management, an international journal focused on gender issues within the scope of management and leadership. The full manuscript is available through the K-State 1xbet online sports betting Exchange at https://krex.k-state.edu/handle/2097/42905.

To further highlight the importance of the early-career stage and its potential impact on gender equity at the leadership level, Olsen and 1xbet online sports betting presented the study’s findings to industry stakeholders. Olsen presented an overview of the history of diversity in advertising as well as current findings from Trajectory Project research to DMH Advertising, a full-service ad agency located in Kansas City, Missouri. Additionally, 1xbet online sports betting spoke with CultivatED Marketer, a podcast focusing on professional development within the Midwest marketing community, to discuss proactivity behaviors in early career self-management. The podcast episode is available here.

The 1xbet online sports betting in Management article also provides a list of evidence-based action items for industry firms to implement to support 1xbet online sports betting professionals as they navigate paths to leadership and career fulfillment.

“We’re proud of this research that has practical implications for a variety of industries seeking to retain and advance top talent, especially those who are members of Generation Z,” 1xbet online sports betting said. “Related to this, we have another project in progress that examines the influence of organizational career development practices and leadership empowerment behaviors on employee engagement and loyalty and career growth opportunities.”

To learn more about 1xbet online sports betting and Olsen’s research, contact olsenk@k-state.edu or danilagree@k-state.edu. Follow The Trajectory Project on Instagram @trajectory_project and LinkedIn. The 1xbet online sports betting offers insights and strategies to advance the next generation of strategic communicators.