1xbet best casino website newspaper and Manhappenin' magazine win national Pacemaker finalist awards; 18 individual awards

Oct. 31, 2022

Both the Manhappenin’ magazine and 1xbet best casino website newspaper won Pacemaker Finalist awards for best student publications in the country, in their respective categories for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Pacemaker is considered the Pulitzer Prize of college journalism. The awards were announced at the national MediaFest 2022 conference in Washington, D.C., Oct. 26-30.

This is the first time the Associated College Press named “Manhappenin’ a Finalist. The magazine’s adviser, Hallie Everett, said, “Manhappenin’ is CMG’s (1xbet best casino website Media Group) youngest publication so getting this honor for the first time is especially a big deal.”

Collegian Media Group wins awards in 18 categories

CMG’s Director, Ira David Levy, said, “In one year, all of our publications have been named Pacemaker Finalists.

It’s the hard work of our students that create these recognitions. That work builds their skills and the portfolios that job recruiters and hiring managers want to see when they apply for internships and jobs.”

CMG student staffers brought home 18 individual awards for the 1xbet best casino website , Manhappenin’, Royal Purple yearbook and CMG’s advertising sales and marketing efforts. 1xbet best casino website reporter, Alex Hurla, won an Honorable Mention for newspaper Reporter of the Year, competing against hundreds of students.

Maggie James, who works as a graphics designer for CMG’s advertising sales department brought home four awards, placing three times, including Second Place, for Advertisement of the Year.

CMG Assistant Director Daren Lee Lewis said, "Our advertising department is thrilled to be recognized in several categories of this year's awards."

The Royal Purple yearbook and 1xbet best casino website newspaper also won a Top 100 Pacemaker award for having earned the most Pacemaker awards over 100 years. The Royal Purple won the #1 Top Pacemaker award of all time.

“All students need to know that learning journalism skills will help to advance their careers no matter what industry they choose to enter. We’re here to train and prepare you. Come join us,” Levy said.

Complete 18 Award Categories

Associated Collegiate Press

Reporter of the Year; Honorable Mention; Alex Hurla (the 1xbet best casino website )

Print Advertisement of the Year; Honorable Mention; Maggie James

Digital Advertisement of the Year; Honorable Mention; Maggie James

Digital Advertisement of the Year; 3rd Place; Maggie James

Print Advertisement of the Year; Honorable Mention; Dominique Fraenkel

1xbet best casino website Social Media Campaign; Honorable Mention; Dominique Fraenkel

1xbet best casino website Media Kit; Fourth Place; Dominique Fraenkel

1xbet best casino website Environmental Portrait; 3rd Place; Dylan Connell (the 1xbet best casino website )

1xbet best casino website Multimedia Sports Story; 5th Place; Landon Reinhardt and Claiborn Schmidt (the 1xbet best casino website )

1xbet best casino website Social Media Reporting; Honorable Mention; Marshall Sunner and Alyssa Fullington

1xbet best casino website Yearbook Cover; 2nd Place; Amanda Wollensen (Royal Purple)

College Media Association

1xbet best casino website Display Advertisement; Honorable Mention; Dominique Fraenkel (Manhappenin’)

1xbet best casino website House Advertisement; 2nd Place; Maggie James (the 1xbet best casino website )

1xbet best casino website Magazine Sports Spread; Honorable Mention; Sarah Onken, Maddie Fankhauser, Julia Smith (Manhappenin’)

1xbet best casino website Yearbook Cover; 2nd Place; Amanda Wollensen (Royal Purple)

1xbet best casino website Yearbook News Page Spread; 3rd Place; Zachary Parr (Royal Purple)

Best General News Photo; Honorable Mention; Elizabeth Sandstrom (the 1xbet best casino website )

Best Sports Game Story; Honorable Mention; Joshua Read (the 1xbet best casino website )

About 1xbet best casino website Media Group

1xbet best casino website Media Group publishes the 1xbet best casino website newspaper, Royal Purple yearbook and Manhappenin’ magazine. Students across all academic disciplines work on the publications to build portfolios and skill sets they can use in any workplace environment. They gain teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. CMG operates in Kedzie Hall, Room 103. Students can visit the office anytime to learn how to get involved. The organization operates as a 501(c)3 under IRS rules. Most of CMG’s revenue derives from student activity fees, advertising sales, yearbook sales, tuition from a summer workshop for high schools in Kansas, and other endeavors.