Collegian 1xbet online casino Group wins 13 individual awards at the 2023 National Collegiate 1xbet online casino Convention

November 9, 2023

The Collegian 1xbet online casino Group brought home 13 national awards for their work during the 2022-2023 academic year.

The Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) and College 1xbet online casino Association (CMA) announced the honors Oct. 30 and Nov. 1 at the National Collegiate 1xbet online casino Convention in Atlanta.

In the Design category, the Collegian’s Page Design Chief Zoe Schumacher won First Place for 1xbet online casino Nameplate; and editor-in-chief Carter Schaffer won an Honorable Mention for 1xbet online casino Interactive Graphic. Maggie James also won an Honorable Mention for 1xbet online casino Advertising Rate Card. Toby Hammes won an Honorable Mention for 1xbet online casino Sports Game Story.

“These are nice honors for the staff,” CMG Director David Levy said. “They competed against hundreds of entries from around the country and have something to show for their efforts when applying for their first jobs out of college. Employers always want evidence of your work outside of class. The Collegian 1xbet online casino Group provides those opportunities for students across all academic disciplines.”

Collegian photojournalist Avery Johnson also won an Honorable Mention for 1xbet online casino General News Photo.

Manhappenin’ magazine won two First Place awards. Caroline Reynolds took the nation’s top spot for 1xbet online casino Editorial Illustration and Joscelyne Espinoza won 1xbet online casino Magazine Feature Page Spread. Hallie Everett advises both the Manhappenin’ magazine and Royal Purple yearbook. She said, “Manhappenin’ was just founded in 2016, so it is a very young magazine and to see the staff winning awards over more seasoned publications really shows us how hard our students work to produce high-quality content.”

The Royal Purple won three Honorable mentions including 1xbet online casino Yearbook Page Spread, 1xbet online casino Yearbook Cover and 1xbet online casino Sports Page Spread. Here is the full list of winners:

College 1xbet online casino Association Pinnacle Awards

1xbet online casino General News Photo; Avery Johnson; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

1xbet online casino Media Rate Card; Maggie James; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

1xbet online casino Interactive Infographic; Carter Schaffer; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

1xbet online casino Editorial Illustration; Caroline Reynolds; First Place (Manhappenin’)

1xbet online casino Magazine Entertainment Page Spread; Concha Campa; Honorable Mention (Manhappenin’)

1xbet online casino Magazine Feature Page Spread; Joscelyne Espinoza; First Place (Manhappenin’)

1xbet online casino Yearbook Sports Page Spread; Maren O’Donnell; Honorable Mention (Royal Purple)

Associated Collegiate Press

1xbet online casino Yearbook Page Spread; Reece Bachta; Honorable Mention (Royal Purple)

1xbet online casino Yearbook Cover; Macey Franko; Honorable Mention (Royal Purple)

1xbet online casino Social Media Reporting; Luke Lazarczyk and Alyssa Fullington; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

1xbet online casino Blog; Grace Needham; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

1xbet online casino Sports Game Story; Toby Hammes; Honorable Mention (The Collegian)

About Collegian 1xbet online casino Group

Collegian 1xbet online casino Group publishes the Collegian newspaper, Royal Purple yearbook and Manhappenin’ magazine. The organization operates as a 501(c)3 under IRS rules. Most of CMG’s revenue derives from student activity fees, advertising sales, yearbook sales, tuition from a summer workshop for high schools in Kansas, and other endeavors. Students across all academic disciplines work on the publications to build portfolios and skill sets they can use in any workplace environment. They gain teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. CMG operates in Kedzie Hall, Room 103. Students can visit the office anytime to learn how to get involved.