Katie 1xbet online casino , Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Campus office: 227 B Nichols Hall


Ph.D., Kansas State 1xbet online casino
M.B.A., Rockhurst 1xbet online casino
B.J., 1xbet online casino of Missouri-Columbia

Dr. Katie 1xbet online casino teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the Advertising & Public Relations Degree Program. Prior to joining K-State, Katie worked in strategic database marketing in the Kansas City area, providing account management and strategic planning for clients like Michelin, John Deere and Bayer Environmental Sciences. She brings to the Miller School a diverse background that includes magazine journalism, integrated marketing communication and national advertising campaign experience. Katie continues to maintain strong relationships with the advertising and public relations industry to the benefit of her students and in consultation with program initiatives and curriculum.

1xbet online casino studies diversity issues within strategic communications, corporate and internal communication, employee engagement, organizational culture, and career socialization/psychology. Her research has been published in Feminist Media Studies, Public 1xbet online casino Journal, and Gender in Management, among others. 1xbet online casino was recognized by Kansas State University with the 2022 Davids-Dunham Award for her work in diversity, which she credits as a key motivator in developing her research agenda and preparing her students for a dynamic and evolving field.

Selected publications:

LaGree, D., 1xbet online casino , K., Tefertiller, A., & Vasquez, R. (2023). Combatting the ‘Great Discontent’: The impact of employability culture and leadership empowerment on career growth, loyalty, and satisfaction. Corporate Communications: an International Journal. Accepted for publication October 2023.

1xbet online casino , K. & LaGree, D. (2023). Taking action in the first five years to increase career equality: The impact of professional relationships on young women’s advancement. Gender in Management: An International Journal, online first. doi: 10.1108/GM-02-2022-0058

LaGree, D. & 1xbet online casino , K. (2022). Building a strong career foundation through proactivity behaviors: An exploration of organizational socialization experiences of early-career women in public 1xbet online casino . Public 1xbet online casino Journal, 15(1). Available at https://prjournal.instituteforpr.org/

1xbet online casino , K., LaGree, D., & Tefertiller, A. (2021). Preparing for a diverse ad industry future: Advantages and challenges for first-generation college students. Advertising & Society Quarterly, 22(3). doi:10.1353/asr.2021.0039

1xbet online casino , K. (2021). “Where’s the beef? How one woman navigated advertising’s male-dominated creative world.” Feminist Media Studies, 22(5), https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2021.1887917

LaGree, D., 1xbet online casino , K., & Tefertiller, A. (2020). Preparing mass communications students for an evolving industry: The influence of emotional intelligence and extracurricular involvement on career adaptability. Journalism and Mass 1xbet online casino Educator, 76(1), pp. 65-77. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077695820924303