jacob 1xbet online casino Groshek, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Ross Beach Chair of Emerging 1xbet online casino Research

groshek@ksu.edu | jacobgroshek.com | irsm.io
Campus office: 324 C Nichols Hall

Jacob Groshek (Ph.D., Indiana University) is the endowed Ross Beach Chair of Emerging 1xbet online casino Research at Kansas State University. In addition, he is the Executive Director of the Institute for Representation in Society and 1xbet online casino and maintains an affiliation as an Honorary Associate Professor with the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde 1xbet online casino (Denmark).

Previously, he held faculty appointments at Boston 1xbet online casino , Erasmus 1xbet online casino Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the University of Melbourne (Australia), and Iowa State University. Topically, his areas of expertise concern online and mobile 1xbet online casino technologies as their use may relate to sociopolitical and behavioral health change at the macro (i.e., national) and micro (as in individual) levels. His work also includes analyses of 1xbet online casino content and user influence in social 1xbet online casino .

Put simply, Groshek uses a blend of interpretive as well as relatively advanced statistical tools for network analysis, forecasting and explaining where and how the use of 1xbet online casino has shaped the course of political and health decision making. For example, social 1xbet online casino and fake news did not win Trump the 2016 election, and people were not trapped in ideological filter bubbles, based on the evidence found in this study.

A mostly up-to-date selection of Groshek's publications appear on his website. Many are open access, but for those articles that are behind paywalls, please feel free to contact Groshek for access as well as with feedback and questions, or for 1xbet online casino and speaking requests.