MCDB Seminar Series Schedule spring 1xbet online casino 2023

February 7 Dinah Davison Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Postdoctoral Researcher

February 14 Jeff Medley Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Postdoctoral Researcher

February 21 No speaker

February 28 Brad Olson, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU

March 7 Bilal Ahmad, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Graduate Student

March 14 Spring Break, No Speaker

March 21 Gabi Shipman, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Undergraduate Student

March 28 Tanner Richie, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Graduate Student

April 4 Sebastian Wendel, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Postdoctoral Researcher

April 11 Bianca Morejon Viteri, Division of 1xbet online casino , KSU Graduate Student


Brad Olson:

Tom Platt: