1xbet online games login Immersion: Pathways to STEM (RiPS)

2017 Poster Session

~ Before you apply, please read all information below ~

What is 1xbet online games login Immersion: Pathways to STEM?

RiPS is an 8-week summer research 1xbet online games login offered by the Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. This 1xbet online games login pairs students with research mentors who help students to conduct an independent research project. The overall goal of this 1xbet online games login is to provide summer academic and professional preparation to underrepresented students in STEM fields.

To learn more about previous student participants and previous faculty mentors, click HERE.

What are the dates for the summer 1xbet online games login ?

June 1, 2024 to July 27, 2024

When is the application deadline?

Deadline Extended to: March 22, 2024

Who should apply?

Current community college students who have completed at least one year at their community college and have an interest in transferring to Kansas State University


Current Kansas State University students (rising sophomores or juniors) with no prior 1xbet online games login experience. Transfer students encouraged to apply.

Student applicants should have completed college Algebra and one college-level science course with laboratory (all with passing grades) before participating in the RiPS 1xbet online games login . Preference will be given to students who have had additional math or science courses. Additionally, students must be US citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

2019 group

What do I need for my application?

  • Complete application information
  • Write personal statement (propmt provided)
  • Obtain two letters of recommendation from STEM faculty. Not sure you can do this? Contact us at lsamp@k-state.edu.

To learn more information about How to write a Personal Statement, follow the link HERE

To learn more about Letters of Recommendation, follow the link HERE

How do I apply?

Use the button below to access the application

Apply here button

If the above button does not work. You can access the application here: https://bit.ly/RiPS2024

What are the professional benefits of this 1xbet online games login ?

  • A mentored 1xbet online games login experience
  • Participation in organized social events
  • Begin establishing professional network
  • Opportunity to explore Kansas State University and Manhattan, KS

What are the financial benefits of this 1xbet online games login ?

  • Scholarship: ,100
  • Housing and meals for the in-person portion of the 1xbet online games login are provided by the RiPS 1xbet online games login

Lab action picture

What areas of 1xbet online games login are supported?

RiPS supports 1xbet online games login in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. See below for a list of KS-LSAMP supported majors.


What happens after I apply?

The selection committee will make the final decision on 1xbet online games login Immersion: Pathways to STEM participants and applicants will be notified of the committee's decision by early April 2024.

Picture collaage

What happens if I get accepted into the 1xbet online games login ?

Accepted students will need to confirm their participation in the 1xbet online games login by April 2024. Following your acceptance, you will receive an informational packet, which will contain important 1xbet online games login information.

Questions can be directed to lsamp@k-state.edu.