1xbet sports betting funded for an additional five years

Congratulations to the KS-LSAMP team for their efforts in helping to get the 1xbet sports betting alliance funded for an additional five-years and million. Welcome to our new partners, Barton Community College and Wichita State University. You can read more here:1xbet online games login State University,128 Do

promoting 1xbet sports betting the success of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is a National Science Foundation program that assists colleges and universities in diversifying the workforce entering science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, in part, by supporting institutions’ efforts to increase the numbers of students that successfully complete baccalaureate degrees in these fields.

Watch a short video about the LSAMP program.

The 1xbet sports betting Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KS-LSAMP) promotes recruitment and retention programs throughout 1xbet sports betting in support of increasing the success of underrepresented minority students (URMs) in STEM fields. The 1xbet sports betting LSAMP includes the following institutions:

2018 Kansas alliance members

  • 1xbet sports betting State University (Manhattan, KS),

  • Barton Community College (Great Bend, KS)

  • Dodge City Community College (Dodge City, KS),

  • Donnelly College (1xbet sports betting City, KS),

  • Garden City Community College (Garden City, KS) and

  • Seward County Community College/Area Technical School (Liberal, KS)

  • Wichita State University (Wichita, KS)

These institutions will work together to implement specialized activities for students at critical junctures in their careers such as high school to college and the transition from two-year to four-year institutions.

Take a look at the 1xbet sports betting blog for more update information about 1xbet sports betting activities.

NSF image This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 1817537 (2018) and 1305059 (2013). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the 1xbet sports betting program and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.