The Q-1xbet online games login - A 1xbet online games login for Rejection of Discordant Data

In some groups of five replicates, one value can be rejected. There is a 1xbet online games login for this called the Q 1xbet online games login , which is valid on samples of 3 to 10 replicates. To perform the Q 1xbet online games login , calculate the quantity Q, which is the ratio of [the difference between the value under suspicion and the next closest value] to [the difference between the highest and lowest value in the series]. Compare Q with the critical value for Q (below), which for 5 observations is 0.64. If Q is greater than 0.64, the suspect measurement may be rejected. Otherwise, it must be retained.

For example, for values 1,2,3,4,9, if we wanted to 1xbet online games login "9", we would take (9-4)/(9-1)= 5/8 =0.625, which is less than 0.64, so we'd have to keep the 9.

On the other hand, for the values, 3,3,4,4,9, if we wanted to 1xbet online games login "9", we would take (9-4)/(9-3)=5/6 =0.833, which is greater than 0.64, so we can throw the 9 out.

Only one value in a small (defined as 3-10 values) group can be removed by this 1xbet online games login . If you have more than one "wild" value, you just have a group of data with a lot of scatter, and you need to keep them all.

We perform the Q 1xbet online games login on the total amounts of each lipid class, then eliminate a sample from our analysis of that the lipid species in that class if it doesn't meet the 1xbet online games login .

Q c (90%) (Critical 1xbet online games login of Q) for sample sizes of 3-10 (taken from Shoemaker, J.P., Garland, C.W. and Steinfeld, J.I., "Experiments in Physical Chemistry", McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1974, pp. 34-39; this is also the reference for information about the Q 1xbet online games login ):

Number of 1xbet online games login Q critical 1xbet online games login
3 0.94
4 0.76
5 0.64
6 0.56
7 0.51
8 0.47
9 0.44
10 0.41