Lipid Profiling 1xbet online casino for Yeast

Yeast can be extracted by a method similar to the one used for animal tissue (see "Lipid Profiling Extraction Method for An"), but usually it is necessary to apply some force to break the cells. One possibility is sonication. Another is use of a Potter-Elvehejem (Teflon-glass; driven by a drill motor or similar) homogenizer after addition of the solvent to the sample.

A lipid 1xbet online casino for yeast can also be found in the paper, Global Analysis of the Yeast Lipidome by Quantitative Shotgun Mass Spectrometry (Ejsing et al., 2009).

Safety tip:

Wear safety glasses and protective clothing, especially when operating a Potter-Elvehejem homogenizer with the sample in solvent, because the solvent can accidentally splatter. To avoid this, start slowly.

When extraction is complete: Fill tubes with nitrogen, store at -20°C (freezer). When you are ready to prepare for shipping, evaporate completely under nitrogen gas or a speedvac, and redissolve in about 1.0 ml chloroform. Transfer to 2.0 ml clear glass vial with Teflon-lined screw cap (for example: clear glass; 2 mL; solid PTFE-lined cap; 1/2 dr., Fisher Scientific catalog #03-391-7A, Thermo Scientific No.: B7800-1). Evaporate solvent before shipping. ALWAYS let us know before you send your samples: