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Lipid Profiling:

Our current protocol is to have scientists extract their own lipids before sending them to us. A Lipid Extraction Method for 1xbet best casino web, Lipid Profiling Extraction Method for Anima andProtocols and me are available. We recommend that 1xbet online games login be dried before shipping, and then shipped to us in dry ice. 1xbet online games login delivered in person need to be dissolved in exactly 1.0 ml chloroform. Please contact Mary Roth at before sending 1xbet online games login .

LIPID PROFILING PRICES (effective June 2020):

Lipid profiling(1) .59 (per sample)
Additional charge when only 1 to 5 1xbet online games login are processed through any analysis; waived one time per client 1.16
Lipid profiling (sample #51 or above) .01 (per sample)

(1) The lipid profiling price includes:
(a) Typical sample preparation time including derivatization and/or sample
(b) Addition of one internal 1xbet online games login (or preformulated mixture)
(c) Analysis through electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
(d) Typical data processing time

Other analyses: Please inquire


- We strongly recommend that 5 or more biological replicates of each sample be analyzed.
- All fees are set on a "break-even" pricing schedule.
- The prices shown above include 52% indirect costs. We do not charge this to researchers in the state of 1xbet online games login ; thus 1xbet online games login researchers receive a discount of 34.2%.

1xbet online games login Mixtures for Lipid Profiling and Quantitation:

We have available the 1xbet online games login mixtures the KLRC Analytical Laboratory uses in its lipid profiling and quantitation methods. Please inquire for further information. Note: These are for use at your lab/facility. The cost of necessary internal standards is included in the "per sample" prices noted above for lipid profiling at KLRC.

Phospholipid internal 1xbet online games login mixture (for 100 samples) 4.86
Phospholipid internal 1xbet online games login mixture (for 1000 samples) ,603.95
Galactolipid internal 1xbet online games login mixture (for 100 samples) 2.70
Galactolipid internal 1xbet online games login mixture (for 1000 samples) 0.84

*1xbet online games login mixtures were prepared using the methods outlined in Welti et al., 2002, J. Biol. Chem., 277, 31994. However, because mass spectrometers have improved in sensitivity since 2002, the amount of internal 1xbet online games login provided per sample is approximately 1/5 of that indicated in that paper. Amounts are similar to those shown in Xiao et al., 2010 (supplemental data). Exact components may differ slightly but the PL mix provides 2 standards each for PC, LPC, PE, LPE, PG, LPG, PI, PS, and PA. The GL mix contains hydrogenated MGDG and DGDG. Additional details on components are available from Mary Roth ( and will be provided with purchase of the standards. Please note that we have done our best to quantify and combine these internal 1xbet online games login components accurately, but the mixtures do not come with any guarantees.

PLEASE NOTE: We do ask that you acknowledge the KLRC in any publication containing data or conclusions drawn from data generated at the KLRC Analytical Laboratory as follows:

The lipid analyses described in this work were performed at the 1xbet online games login Lipidomics Research Center Analytical Laboratory. Instrument acquisition and lipidomics method development were supported by the National Science Foundation (including support from the Major Research Instrumentation program; most recent award DBI-1726527), K-IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) of National Institute of Health (P20GM103418), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Hatch/Multi-State project 7001195), and 1xbet online games login State University..


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