Kansas State University Lavender 1xbet online games login

Lavender Alumni Logo

Kansas State Lavender 1xbet online games login is an informal organization for lesbian, gay, and bisexual and allied 1xbet online games login of Kansas State University. In order to recognize the true scope of the organization’s mission the official name is the Kansas State University Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Allied Lavender 1xbet online games login Association (LavAlum).

A LavAlum is a recognized representative of 1xbet online games login ’s LGBT alumni and works hard to represent the interests and concerns of those who are a part of the organization, both as alumni and as a constituency with a continuing role in University life. It is the intent of this organization to regularly plan events with other diversity oriented organizations and current student organizations to work together on issues that affect our diverse campus communities. We seek to continue building 1xbet online games login as an ever more diverse and affirming institution.

LavAlum takes a special interest in supporting current 1xbet online games login students, both undergraduate and graduate. As part of a holistic approach to involvement with our campus we seek to provide mentor opportunities for current students and programming that includes regular educational seminars and panel discussions to engage the students and community. We seek to continue to have a continued presence at Homecoming festivities in October and at the All University Open House Weekend in April.

We are actively trying to reach more of our membership. We invite 1xbet online games login to contact us by email or telephone.

To join LavAlum and learn more about our activities, please join our contact list. If you have other questions about LavAlum, its activities and events, please contact the 1xbet online games login Spectrum Center.

Register to join LavAlum

*Notice of privacy: The 1xbet online games login Spectrum Center and affiliates respect the privacy of our constituents and the users of any and all of the features on this website. Information provided to the 1xbet online games login Spectrum Center will be used only for 1xbet online games login related business and will not be published in any form without express written consent from the provider.