Wildcat dialogues 1xbet sports betting

An Intercultural Leadership Experience

Join all new and first-year 1xbet sports betting students for a night of meaningful dialogue and building connections. The 2024 Wildcat Dialogues will take place 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the 1xbet sports betting Student Union.

What participants do
  • Learn how to create communities of belonging
  • Build cross-cultural relationships through meaningful dialogue
  • Engage in active listening, empathy and perspective-taking
  • Build 1xbet sports betting skillset to understand cultural differences and similarities
How 1xbet sports betting ’ll use it later
  • Identify tangible action steps you can take to create a community of belonging for all at 1xbet sports betting .
  • Recognize the ways in which 1xbet sports betting cultural and social identities make an impact on how you see and experience the world.
  • Recognize the ways in which others’ cultural and social identities differ from 1xbet sports betting own and how they see and experience the world differently, like you.
  • Demonstrate authentic curiosity and empathy when engaging in meaningful dialogues across difference.
What facilitators do

1xbet sports betting students, faculty and staff are invited to join us as facilitators. Facilitators help the small groups focus on deliberate conversation to build intentional connections for intercultural learning and leadership development. Training is provided and facilitators will get a free Wildcat Dialogues T-shirt. Training dates are listed on the registration form.

Important Event Details

What to Expect

This is an event for all new students at 1xbet sports betting . You will meet new people, hear student stories, and connect on what it means to belong as part of the 1xbet sports betting community. The evening is a two-hour event with a social at the end where you can grab cookies and a drink and socialize. Plan to eat dinner before you arrive, and feel free to bring a water bottle and a snack if you need one.


  • 6:30 p.m. Check-in opens: Arrive to the second floor of the Union early as lines can get long. 1xbet sports betting will then head into the Student Union Ballroom to find a seat.
  • 7 p.m. Large group presentation: On stage, current 1xbet sports betting students will share their stories about what it means to create a community of belonging as Wildcats. These stories will help shape the discussion and reflection in your small groups.
  • 7:45 p.m. Small groups: Facilitators will guide you and 1xbet sports betting small group of peers to another location in the Union where you will have a conversation together. Through guided activities and reflection questions, you’ll have the opportunity to share 1xbet sports betting own story and listen to the stories of 1xbet sports betting group members.
  • 9 p.m. Social: As 1xbet sports betting small group wraps up, head to main floor of the Union for cookies, drinks, and the opportunity to connect with others and talk about how the night went.

Highlight 1xbet sports betting Experience

As a participant or facilitator, 1xbet sports betting might be thinking about how to best share this development opportunity in professional environments like LinkedIn or on a resume. Wildcat dialogues 1xbet online games login


Wildcat 1xbet or email Mariya Vaughn at mbjv@ksu.edu or Tamara Bauer at tamara@ksu.edu. View photos from the 2023 event on Facebook.

Wildcat Dialogues

Participants share what 1xbet sports betting can expect at this event.