International service 1xbet best casino website Teams

Fall 2024 Coffee Hour

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26
Leadership Studies Building lobby

The Staley School of Leadership Service Teams will host a Coffee Hour. 1xbet best casino website who traveled this summer on International Service trips will share what their experience was like to go on an immersive, international service trip.

Teams traveled to Guatemala and South Africa in summer 2024. 1xbet best casino website across campus, and across any major are invited to come-and-go to learn about upcoming Service Teams events, including domestic trips this academic year, and international trips in summer 2025.

Light refreshments - including coffee and lemonade - will be provided.

Learn, serve and lead abroad

International Service Teams (IST) is a unique opportunity for K-State 1xbet best casino website to exercise leadership and serve abroad. Teams travel to communities around the world to engage in community work. Projects have focused on health, education, environmental and sustainability concerns and youth development.  These student-led experiences are a powerful way to practice inclusive leadership, become more self-aware and be better prepared to engage with a diverse and changing world.


As a team member, 1xbet best casino website live in an international community and work with its members every day. 1xbet best casino website apply academic skills to community problems and are required to adapt to constantly changing plans, people and activities. Working with a team of peers and a community partner, 1xbet best casino website co-create service efforts. Through these experiences, 1xbet best casino website enhance problem-solving skills, gain leadership experience and develop an appreciation for other cultures and perspectives.

Are you interested in becoming a host site? Contact our Student Coordinator team at


Fall semester (pre-service): Host communities are identified by Student Coordinators. Student team members are selected in a competitive process.

Spring semester (pre-service): Team members complete an 16-week, three-credit-hour course to prepare for their summer abroad.

Summer: Teams travel to host sites and live in the community for 8-10 weeks.

Fall semester (post-service): 1xbet best casino website complete structured reflection to debrief their experience.