Fellowship 1xbet online sports betting for Alumni

Some opportunities target applicants with professional work 1xbet online sports betting and/or advanced degrees. Some are listed here for the benefit of alumni and current students looking ahead.

Note: 1xbet online sports betting may also still be eligible for options listed under prestigious 1xbet online sports be and/or experiential 1xbet best casino website Oppo as well, but duplication is limited in order to highlight unique 1xbet online sports betting .

AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship

Deadline: November 1, 2021

For scientist and engineers interested in policymaking at the national level

AAAS STF website

Alfa Fellowship

Deadline: December 1, 2021

Work 1xbet online sports betting /training/language study in Russia for young professionals.

Alfa website

Chevening Scholarship

Deadline: November Campus Deadline: None

For graduate study in the UK. Work 1xbet online sports betting required. Specific list of eligible countries. U.S. citizens not eligible.

Cheveining Website

Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs

Deadline: January 11, 2022

Public sector 1xbet online sports betting and leadership training through internship placements in one of five major cities.

Coro website

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching

Deadline: TBA

For K-12 teachers interested in educational exchange (anywhere from two weeks to six months abroad).

FDAT website

Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship

Deadline: Not open in the 2022-2023 competition

Special type of Fulbright Grant for students in medical school or global health graduate programs.

Fulbright-Fogarty website / Fulbright Fact Sheet

James Madison Memorial Fellowship

Deadline: March 6, 2023

Senior fellowship category specifically targets current teachers in social studies, history and government.

Madison website / Madison Fact Sheet

Marshall Sherfield Postdoctoral Fellowship

Deadline: Opens in June 2022

One or two years in the United Kingdom for a science or engineering PhD

Marshall Sherfield website

Presidential Management Fellowship

Deadline: October 12, 2022

Federal 1xbet online sports betting placement and training within first two years after earning an advanced degree.

PMF website

Roddenberry Fellowship

Deadline: June 13, 2020

12-month program for activists to help implement a project or initiative in one of four designated areas with funding.

Roddenberry Fellowship website

Rotary Peace Fellowship

Deadline: Contact your local Rotary Club to identify club- and district-specific deadlines

Funds specific MA degrees related to peace and conflict resolution. Requires three years or more of relevant work 1xbet online sports betting .

Peace Fellowship website

White House Fellows Program

Deadline: Opens November 1, 2021

Year placements in the federal government for individuals who have distinguished themselves in their early careers

White House Fellows website