advising 1xbet online games login and Support

Why meet with an advisor?

We love hearing about your K-State experience and discussing how the Staley School of 1xbet online games login can fit within your goals. During a meeting with a Staley School advisor, we work with students to review course requirements for their program of study, as well as identifying opportunities and programs available to apply your 1xbet online games login skills. We are also here to listen, to learn about what matters to you and to coach you on how you can best exercise 1xbet online games login to make progress on those endeavors.

Our faculty and staff are energized by you, the students! We want you to have a successful K-State experience and feel prepared to exercise 1xbet online games login in your personal, community, and work life. We look forward to connecting!

Who should I meet with?

For general questions about 1xbet online games login Studies and the Staley School, you can contact us at 1xbet online games login or 785-532-6085.

For advising related to a specific program of study, feel free to reach out directly to the faculty listed below:

More Information

Check out our 1xbet sports betting Asked to learn more about the requirements of minor, including how to declare the minor and the graduation process.

For students pursuing the standard focus minor, you may also want to 1xbet sports betting - Introductio so you can work with your academic advisor to see if any of the courses will fulfill the requirements of your academic major as well as the 1xbet online games login studies minor.