Robert Shoop student 1xbet online games login Research Award

Named after Dr. Robert (Bob) Shoop, retired faculty member in Educational 1xbet online games login , professor and senior scholar of 1xbet online games login Studies, co-founder of the 1xbet online games login Studies Minor, this award recognizes excellence in research by undergraduate or graduate students in the Staley School of 1xbet online games login . Specifically, this research recognizes a graduate student who helped to advance scholarship in the areas of 1xbet online games login learning and development, building civic capacity, or leading change. Excellence in research may include:

  • Author or co-author conference presentations, book chapters, or white papers
  • Authorship/co-authorship of peer-reviewed published materials
  • Grants that support primary research or innovative instructional methods at the university
  • Community-engaged scholarship
  • Blog posts or other forms of digital media
  • Collaboration with Staley School faculty on research activities
  • Serving as a referee, editor, and/or reviewer

Eligibility Criteria:

  • If undergraduate, enrolled in the 1xbet online games login studies minor, non-profit certificate, or GFSL certificate at time of nomination; OR currently or previously involved in Staley School co-curricular program
  • If graduate, enrolled in a masters or doctoral program at time of nomination
  • Completed at least one term in program at time of nomination
  • Appointed as a GTA/GA/GRA/Practicum or special project role in Summer or Fall 2022 or Spring 23
  • In good academic standing at time of nomination.


Carlie Snethen (graduate)
Grace Huynh (undergraduate)

Chibuzor Azubuike
Ahmadreza Shamsi Yousefi