Staley School of Leadership Graduate Student 1xbet online games login Award

This award recognizes excellence in 1xbet online games login by graduate students in the Staley School of Leadership. Examples of excellence in 1xbet online games login may include:

  • Serving as 1xbet online games login assistant or instructor of record for a formal course
  • Facilitating a program or workshop with emphasis on leadership learning and development
  • Innovative approaches to instruction or facilitation and assessment
  • Reflection on 1xbet online games login practice
  • Expression and commitment to a 1xbet online games login philosophy
  • Demonstrating challenge and support of students
  • Curriculum development
  • Developing scholarship of 1xbet online games login and learning (presentations, blogs, articles, etc.)

Each nominee must be a graduate student meeting the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in a masters or doctoral program at time of nomination
  • Completed at least one term of 1xbet online games login at time of nomination
  • Appointed as a GTA/GA/GRA/Practicum in Summer or Fall 2022 or Spring 23
  • In good academic standing during the term of 1xbet online games login for which they are nominated


Jess Ramirez

N'Zoret Assoman