Michael C. Holen leader-in-residence 1xbet online games login Award

The Michael C. Holen Leader-in-Residence Award honors outstanding individuals who are exercising 1xbet online games login in a range of organizational, professional and civic settings. Recipients come to campus to share experiences and engage in rich and challenging conversations with our students and the Kansas State University community. The award recipient exemplifies the Staley School of 1xbet online games login mission statement and the following tenets:

  • Service to the common good is the goal of 1xbet online games login .
  • 1xbet online games login is a process and is not defined simply by position or authority.
  • Collaboration is the primary method of teaching and developing 1xbet online games login .
  • Successful leaders are committed to and have the ability to engage in 1xbet online games login with those of many backgrounds and cultures.

Originally named the “Lifetime 1xbet online games login Award,” the award was later dedicated in honor of College of Education Dean Emeritus, Michael C. Holen for his tremendous support of 1xbet online games login Studies and then paired with the Leader-in-Residence initiative, originally sponsored by the Stephens family, to both honor outstanding 1xbet online games login and bring leaders to campus in service to our students' learning. Mary Lynn and Warren Staley were the inaugural Michael C. Holen Leader-in-Residence recipients. The award is presented each year at the Spirit of 1xbet online sports betting.


Mary and Carl Ice
The Ices were on campus April 4-5, interacting with 1xbet online games login studies students, faculty, and staff. They will be honored at the 2024 Spirit of 1xbet online event. Read More about their visit.

David Chrislip

Aaron and Rebecca Graham

David and Ellie Everitt

Max Finberg

Representing DECLIC, an organization of Ziguinchor, Senegal, West Africa: Haby Diallo, Salif Kanoute, Demba Kande, Jennifer Gbari, Francisca Napama and Adolphe Gomez.

The first class of 1xbet online games login studies graduates: Maggie Barlow, Patrick Carney, Michael Hodgson, Justin Kastner, Piper Niemann, Aaron Otto, Aubrey Patterson, Casey Carlson, Molly Crowe, Renee Fisher, Jonathan Freeman, Kate Jiron, Lindsay Sutton Weir Larson, and Melinda McMillan-Miller.

Shante J. Moore
Silvia Diaz de Moore

2015 Kevin Lockett
2014 Mary Jo Myers
2013 Nebeeha Kazi Hutchins
2012 Paul Maina
2011 Mary Lynn and Warren Staley
2010 Tom Hawk
2009 Amy Button Renz
2008 Suzanne Mayo-Theus
2007 Atina Hanna
2006 Carol Gould
2005 Ruth Ann Wefald
2004 Grace Y. Hwang
2003 James R. Coffman
2002 Linda P. Thurston
2001 Deb Patterson
2000 Page and Nancy Twiss (Lifetime 1xbet online games login award)
1999 Buck O'Neil (Lifetime 1xbet online games login award)