Modern Languages 1xbet online games login

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Meet our 2021-2022 1xbet online games login !

Learn more about each one of our 1xbet online games login here! They each have unique interests and they all represent a broad range of majors across K-State. Our 1xbet online games login represent the department and each semester they visit MLANG classrooms in different languages to promote out programs!

Naomi Galindo- Modern Languages Ambassador. My name is Naomi Galindo and I am a Modern Languages and International Area Studies student from El Dorado, KS. I am currently a Junior majoring in French with a Secondary Major in International Area Studies. I began studying French when I was in high school and learned so much about the language and the culture, so I decided to continue with my studies. I had other language options but I just felt that French would open a lot of doors for me, especially in the international stage. I am love being involved with all things Modern Languages, I work for the main office, I am the Modern Languages Student Association president, and I am also an ambassador. Becoming an ambassador was one of my goals when I transferred to K-State, and I want to share my passion for languages with other students.  I see myself either working in academia or becoming an ambassador to a country, or perhaps a translator in the government! Being involved in Model United Nations, has shaped this career path for me. Some of my hobbies include learning languages, watching and creating YouTube videos, creating music, playing video games, occasionally writing for a Eurovision news fan site, and playing the cello. Becca Cannon- Modern Languages Ambassador. My name is Becca Cannon, I am from Overland and I am a junior at K-State majoring in Architecture and minoring in Spanish! I have been studying Spanish for 10 years now and love the way it has allowed me to connect with people, visit new places, and pursue new opportunities. I hope to use Spanish in my career with international work, but also choose to continue Spanish because of the all experiences it’s given me. I love to travel but I’ve found that Spanish even more so has allowed me to connect with others here in the US. It’s given me a new perspectives and more appreciation for culture and diversity. Some of my interests include Traveling, the outdoors, music, Spanish, and art.

Amelia Dubois- Modern Languages Ambassador. My name is Amelia Dubois and I am a senior from Overland Park, Kansas studying Educational Studies and Social Sciences with a minor in Spanish. I chose Spanish because I became aware of how fast our Spanish-speaking population is growing in the United States and wanted to be able to help myself and others overcome that barrier in every day life, and in my future career. Spanish has helped me immensely already outside of the classroom. I keep myself busy outside of school with my job as a bartender and manager at a local restaurant, as a CASA volunteer, and with my legal internship. I use Spanish nearly every day with Spanish-speaking coworkers at the restaurant, and during my interviews for CASA and my internship they were very pleased to see Spanish on my resume. Although I do keep myself very busy with all of the above, I love relaxing by being outside--whether it's going on a walk, run, or just sitting and enjoying the weather. After my graduation this May I plan to move to Boulder, Colorado and pursue law school and a legal career--and put my Spanish towards good use that way. Jake seager- Modern Languages Ambassador. Hello, my name is Jake, I am a junior at K-State majoring in Agricultural economics with a minor in Spanish from Overland Park, KS. I love studying Spanish because it connects me with more people in the world and reminds me just how cool culture can be. On campus I am also a research assistant for food insecurity and a member of the Food Recovery Network team. Beyond my passion for language I really enjoy spending time outdoors with my friends playing sports, hiking, and occasionally camping. My favorite activity is traveling and I’ve been all over the world, but I can get expensive, so I’m all about timing. Once school ends I plan to live abroad and work on economic and community development projects.

Matthew Murphy- Modern Languages Ambassador. Hi, I am Matthew Murphy and I'm a sophomore at K-State majoring in French and Architecture. I chose French because it allowed me to connect with a new community of thoughts and ideas. I'm interested in the arts as an expression of the human condition. Film, Music, Literature, and Architecture can be therapeutic and inspirational. I plan to practice architecture in Europe, connecting with the francophone sphere of design and theory. I'd like to start my own studio with the mission to create powerful public architecture that celebrates community, culture, and well being. The Modern Languages department at K-State has helped tremendously to inform a trajectory for my career and to set actionable plans to achieve my goals through language and design. The professors have emphatically supported my own individual goals, and have even found creative ways to reinterpret their lessons and projects to better align with my intentions for the future. Ash Leslie- Modern Languages Ambassador. My name is Ash Leslie, my pronouns are He/They, and I am a sophomore at K-State from a small town called Lecompton here in Kansas. Currently, I am double majoring in both French and Spanish with hopes to work in interpreting or translation later in life. I have not left the country before, however I plan to study abroad in, at least, France before I graduate. At this time, I am helping the club « Engineers Without Borders » and their plans to help build an irrigation system for a farming community in Nicaragua. Language has always been an interest to me because, as a kid, I thought it would be super cool to speak as many languages as possible so I could travel the world, and now part of that is becoming a reality in my studies.

Taya Semon- Modern Languages Ambassador. I started studying French my freshman year of high school because I couldn't roll my Rs and that led me to becoming a Rotary exchange student in France for 10 months during my junior year. There I grew immensely as a person and met lifelong friends and family that I miss dearly. Throughout the past two years I've had the chance to travel to a total of 11 countries, and each new place and person offers even more. What I love most about studying languages is that there is never an end to what I can learn; there will always be more places to visit, people to meet, and vocal to learn. The continuing of my education and expansion of knowledge is what pulls me towards a career in education. Inspiring others, hearing their stories, and perhaps affecting their entire future, as my language teachers did me, is what pushes me. I do what I do not only for myself, but for my little sisters and the people I meet along the way, so they know you can do whatever you set your mind to and there is not one specific path your life has to take. Makenzie heffernon- Modern Languages Ambassador. My name is Makenzie Heffernon and I am a senior from Stilwell, KS majoring in Spanish and minoring in Anthropology. My very first elective I ever took in Kindergarten was a Spanish class and ever since then, it has always been a language and culture that I get excited to learn and teach others about. Getting to start my language learning at such a young age really taught me the importance of language and cultural relativism and how they can be incredible means of connection and diversity which are so important in our world. After I graduate this up-coming May I will be attending grad school here at K-State in the Modern Language Department for Second Language Acquisition so that I can further my language studies with the amazing faculty here. I have been a TA for Cultural Anthropology for the last two semester which has opened my eyes to a plethora of cultures, and it has been such a fun experience to teach my students about the topics covered in this course and help them see the world with fresh, curious eyes! In the future I hope to obtain a career that allows me to combine both Spanish and Anthropology through either research or potentially teaching. A little bit more about me is that I love traveling, hiking, backpacking, some classic reality TV, and a fun fact is that I would love to write Anthropological children's books someday

Brooke crawford- Modern Languages Ambassador. Hi! My name is Brooke Crawford, and I am currently a junior from Topeka, KS studying Psychology and German. I first started studying German in high school and picked it back up after a couple semesters at K-State. I plan on expanding my German language skills next semester studying abroad in Germany. Other than school I love working with kids at a local daycare, playing with my dog, bowling, and hiking. I’m excited to be a Modern Language Ambassador and help students find their passions in language or other areas Lidia Ragland- Modern Languages Ambassador. Hello my name is Lidia Ragland and I am from Prairie Village, Kansas. I am currently a junior studying Kinesiology with a minor in Spanish. I love rom coms and running. Also, I joined the Modern Language department for my love of the Spanish Language. I think learning a language is a great way to widen your world view and get an insight into other cultures. Outside of the ambassadors program, I am involved in the International Buddies and Pre-Physicians Assistant Club as well as serving as a student ambassador for the Kinesiology department. In the future, I plan to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain in Summer 2022. After graduation I plan to apply to Physicians Associate school.

Julia Robbe- Modern Languages Ambassador. Hi! My name is Julia and I'm a freshman here at K-State, studying Business Administration with a minor in Chinese and an International Business Certificate. I'm also an international student from Brazil. Ever since I was little, I loved learning languages and, in my family, we all speak a mizture of Portuguese, German, and English, so our conversations at my house are always quite interesting! In school, I learned Soanish and some French. During Covid, I decided to learn Korean and Chinese, and I absolutely fell in love with the cultures and the languages, Outside of that I love to play handball and tennis and watch tv shows on Netflix. I am also looking forward to possibly studying abroad in China or South Korea. I love to meet new people and help as much as I can, so if you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out!

Interested in becoming an MLANG Ambassador? Learn more here!

  • MLANG 1xbet online games login are a small group of enthusiastic majors or minors - like yourself!- who represent our department at on-campus and off-campus recruitment events.
  • Modern Language Ambassador applications open soon! Students who are interested in becoming a Modern 1xbet online games login Ambassador can fill out the form here.
  • There will be an informational meeting on September 23rd from 7 to 8 PM in Eisenhower Hall, room 125.
  • Applications are due by 5 PM on September 30th!
  • If you have any questions, contact Drs. Melinda Cro ( or Angélique Courbou (

mlang ambassador flyer

Benefits to you:

  • Professional development: a service opportunity in your field of study, which you can put on your resume.
  • use this program to fulfill volunteer hours for other courses and organizations.
  • opportunity to develop closer connections with alumni and faculty.
  • opportunity to share your enthusiasm for your major/minor with other students.
  • potential for mentoring other students.
  • experience with recruitment and public speaking.
  • an end-of-year "thank you" banquet.

Possible Roles for 1xbet online games login :

  • Student 1xbet online games login should be available to do the following types of activities, depending on the needs of the Department of Modern Languages:

    • Visit courses in the language sequence (101-301) and promote the major and minor (explain why you chose to major in MLANG, your experiences in the program, etc.)
    • Participate in open house (both university-wide event and the department event)
    • Take a visiting high school or transfer student along to your language class.
    • Participate in the majors fair
    • Visit local high schools to promote language learning
    • Socialize with alumni at MLANG events (e.g., advisory committee luncheon)
    • Represent Modern 1xbet online games login at the study abroad fair (if applicable)
    • Promote language club and activities
    • Be a contact person for potential students interested in speaking to a current major/minor
    • Develop online content about the department

Time commitment for you:

By agreeing to serve as an ambassador, you are agreeing to attend a training meeting in the fall, participate in a monthly meeting on the third Thursday of the month, from 7:00-8:00 PM, and volunteer 3 hours a semester.
