profiles 1xbet online sports betting

Here you'll find profiles of all the people that have made 1xbet online sports betting Languages a great place to learn, teach, and grow.

Jenika hazelbaker 1xbet online sports betting

Jenika"I decided to pursue the dual degree by studying agronomy and Spanish because I wanted to have the skills to collaborate with those working in the agriculture industry that don’t necessary speak 1xbet online sports betting native language of English. I was able to apply 1xbet online sports betting Spanish skills to translate agriculture related materials for a job on campus, so I have seen how knowing a modern language can create opportunities for communicating with a greater audience in 1xbet online sports betting future career. I also wanted to study Spanish in order to be an active global citizen. Being able to speak to others in their native language has enabled me to build connections that otherwise would not have been possible. Pursuing the dual degree was one of the best decisions I made for 1xbet online sports betting undergraduate education, and I cannot recommend it enough to other students." Jenika Hazelbaker KSU 2023

1xbet online sports betting Billings

Picture of Taylor Billings

  • 1xbet online sports betting Majors: Minor in Chinese

Hello! 1xbet online sports betting name is Taylor Billings, and I am an alumni of K-State. While at K-State I minored in Chinese language. I chose this language because I knew that there was potential for a lot of career opportunities if I could speak Chinese. During 1xbet online sports betting time at K-State, I really enjoyed 1xbet online sports betting professors because they were always more than willing to help and, out of that, flourished friendships. Having the ability to speak some Chinese also gave me the opportunity to build relationships with 1xbet online sports betting Chinese residents in Jardine at the time. There was one family that I will never forget, because even though it was a very simple conversation, it was so exciting just to get to relate to them through the language! What was amazing about meeting this family in Jardine, though, was that they were from the same city that I was going to move to in China! After teaching English in China for about two years, I returned to Kansas and decided to get 1xbet online sports betting masters in East Asian Languages and Cultures with a concentration in Chinese Language and Literature. I realized that continuing 1xbet online sports betting learning would help me get to 1xbet online sports betting career goal of working with Chinese immigrants. I would love to use 1xbet online sports betting Chinese to work with international students on a college campus or with immigrants outside of the college realm. Being able to translate and help them get settled into the country would be such an exciting opportunity. For students who are going into their second or third year of studying a language, choose to put yourself in situations where you can learn, speak, and practice more. If I have one regret, it was not seeking out opportunities to speak as much Chinese as possible. Immersion is everything, especially with Chinese, so do your best to give yourself those opportunities.

Amanda bradley 1xbet online sports betting

  • Microbiologist II, 1xbet online sports betting Department of Health and Environment, Topeka Photo of Amanda Bradley
  • 1xbet online sports betting majors: Biology and German
  • Study abroad: 1xbet online sports betting in Leipzig Faculty-Led Program

The skills I learned in 1xbet online sports betting German classes enhanced 1xbet online sports betting ability to think quickly and creatively, to be flexible, and to problem solve. These qualities are essential to 1xbet online sports betting profession because, as a microbiologist, I am often asked to investigate abnormal results. This process reminds me of a puzzle—like piecing together nonverbal communication and inventive descriptions to express myself when I don’t know a word in German. Though I didn’t expect it, I also use German for translation purposes at 1xbet online sports betting job. I find myself surrounded by German products on a daily basis, as German scientific equipment is known for being of exceptionally high quality. When the English instructions for some equipment were lost or difficult to read, I was able to save time by translating the instructions from German.

Cecilia potts-moore 1xbet online sports betting

  • Executive 1xbet online sports betting
  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Modern Languages--German
  • 1xbet online sports betting Minor: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
  • 1xbet online sports betting : Leipzig, Germany
Cec Potts-Moore

1xbet online sports betting name is Cecilia (Cec) Potts-Moore, I majored in German with a minor in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies!

I chose German because I had fun learning it, and felt like it was a chance for me to open myself up to other cultures and travel to other countries. 1xbet online sports betting favorite thing about learning a language at K-State was the sense of community that the Modern Languages department gave me, I felt like I really got to know 1xbet online sports betting fellow students and professors, I wasn't just another face in the lecture hall. I spent a lot of 1xbet online sports betting time in college surrounding myself with all things Modern Languages, from working in the main office to being president of the German Club, most of 1xbet online sports betting day was about Modern Languages and I loved every second.

I graduated May 2021, and since then I have been working in Kansas City as the Executive Assistant to a CEO of a dentistry company. While I don't get to use German much at 1xbet online sports betting job, 1xbet online sports betting boss said that the reason she hired me was because of 1xbet online sports betting ability to learn a new language. It showed her that I was willing to take on a new challenge and that I was worldly.

For students that are considering learning a 1xbet online sports betting at K-State, I say go for it! There's tons of study abroad opportunities, the Modern Languages Student Association, and a bunch of other ways to get involved with a 1xbet online sports betting at K-State. I don't really know where I would be if I hadn't learned German, and I'm glad I chose this path.

john 1xbet online sports betting Dubois

Regional Sales Vice President, Comfone AG, 1xbet online sports betting City John Dubois

1xbet online sports betting majors: French and Accounting

1xbet online sports betting : Aix-en-Provence, France

1xbet online sports betting name is John Dubois.  I graduated from Kansas State University with degrees in accounting and French.  After completing two years of French at KSU, I was 20-years old when I went to Aix-en-Provence, France to study French and business.  I studied for a semester, worked during the summer and traveled in the fall.  I then returned to KSU and completed 1xbet online sports betting studies.  Studying the French language and culture changed 1xbet online sports betting outlook and 1xbet online sports betting life in many ways.  I am very comfortable and adaptable to living and working in different cultures and this has created many opportunities and enriched 1xbet online sports betting life.  I have also learned how to communicate effectively across different cultures.  

1xbet online sports betting experience during college led me to a life of living and working internationally.  I live in London for two years and France for five years.  I have always worked internationally and am, in fact, writing this from 1xbet online sports betting company's headquarters in Bern, Switzerland.  I am here with 1xbet online sports betting colleagues from around the world to share ideas and help each other.  I will return next week to 1xbet online sports betting base in Kansas City where I am responsible for sales in North America and the Caribbean for 1xbet online sports betting company, which is a small multi-national corporation.  It is a very challenging and interesting life!

Tess 1xbet online sports betting

  • 1xbet online sports betting Majors: Spanish and Secondary Education Headshot of Tess Fairbanks
  • Scholarship: Megan Elizabeth 1xbet online sports betting Memorial Scholarship

Hello! 1xbet online sports betting name is Tess Fairbanks, and I am a sophomore studying Secondary Education and Spanish. At K-State, I enjoy participating in the University Honors Program and serving as Secretary for the Success Ambassadors with the Academic Achievement Center. In the future, I would like to be a high school Spanish teacher. I enjoy the community aspect of language learning at K-State. After two years, I now recognize multiple members of 1xbet online sports betting classes and feel comfortable reaching out to them for help. Also, every professor demonstrates a genuine desire to help their students learn. Their passion for education is inspiring, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from such knowledgeable experts. In 1xbet online sports betting future career, I will certainly focus on building community with the classroom. 1xbet online sports betting best advice for studying a language (or for college in general) is to never be afraid to ask for help or admit that you are struggling with something. Language learning requires hard work and determination and simply reaching out for guidance can assist greatly. At Kansas State, we are lucky to have amazing professionals teaching in the Modern Languages Department and seeking their help when necessary has been key to 1xbet online sports betting language learning journey.

I am grateful to have been awarded the Megan Elizabeth Taylor Memorial Scholarship for Fall 2020. This scholarship has assisted me by lessening the financial burden of 1xbet online sports betting college education. It has allowed me to be able to live in Manhattan, even during the pandemic, and create a space where I can focus on 1xbet online sports betting academics.

sara 1xbet online sports betting Haggard

Photo of Sara Haggard

  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Double Major in Spanish and Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
  • Scholarship: Taylor (Megan E) Modern 1xbet online sports betting Scholarship

I’m a sophomore from Topeka, Kansas, double-majoring in Spanish and Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics. I plan to enter dental school after graduating from K-State in 2024! I’m majoring in Spanish to become fluent, but by the time I graduate I’ll also have minors in Chemistry and Biology. I decided to learn Spanish because I’ve always loved speaking it in high school, but also because in Kansas, I’ve seen hundreds of Hispanic patients while dental shadowing who can’t communicate with their dentists. They’re forced to bring in translators at their own expense, and I hope to eliminate this communication barrier.After college, I plan to become a dentist and offer a professional, bilingual healthcare experience. The most important piece of advice I would give to anyone entering college is to study a new language, even if only for a while! It’s been such an incredibly rewarding experience, and it’s an excellent break from all 1xbet online sports betting science classes.

I earned the Taylor (Megan E) Modern Language Scholarship. It’s allowed me to limit 1xbet online sports betting part-time work and dedicate some of 1xbet online sports betting free time to 1xbet online sports betting extracurriculars. For example, I serve as the K-State Student Governing Association’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness director, working to improve bystander intervention in our local bars and advocating for a more inclusive and trauma-informed Title IX process for our university.

Kwasi ndjokunla 1xbet online sports betting Ketchore

Salut! Photo of Kwasi Ndjokunla Ketchore

1xbet online sports betting name is Kwasi Ndjokunla Ketchore. I finished 1xbet online sports betting Master's degree at K-State in the Department of Modern Languages in spring 2020. I am from Ghana, West Africa.

Why French? First of all, I like the French language. I developed love for this language from childhood. I decided to go to college to become a French teacher in order to share 1xbet online sports betting knowledge with others and meet with people from different cultural background.

Secondly, I love teaching. I enjoy interacting with students. Before joining Kansas State University to pursue 1xbet online sports betting master’s program, I was teaching French in high school in Ghana. 1xbet online sports betting stay at K-State went very well, thanks to the very dynamic faculty who are very welcoming. I found myself in a family away from home. I cannot forget the contribution that all the professors made during 1xbet online sports betting academic years. Thanks to their teaching and encouragement, I am now at Penn State studying a dual PhD program in French and Francophone literature and African Studies.

I am focusing 1xbet online sports betting research on, among other areas, African Francophone literatures, oral literature of Sub-Sahara Africa, the image of griots in contemporary world. Living in the US, I have developed personal interests in the African American diaspora and would like to explore how culture migrates within time and space.

I am encouraging everyone to learn a second 1xbet online sports betting in order to live up to globalization. If you ask me, I would recommend you study French. I am proud to be a product of K-State Modern Languages department.


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  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Operations and Chain Supply Management Liam McConnell
  • 1xbet online sports betting Minors: Chinese and Biology

1xbet online sports betting name is Liam McConnell. I am a senior at K-State, graduating in Spring 2022 with a degree in Operations and Supply Chain Management and minors in Biology and Chinese.

1xbet online sports betting interest in the Chinese language started through pure circumstance – 1xbet online sports betting father had an opportunity to contract with Huawei and spend a few months working in Shenzhen. To celebrate Christmas, 1xbet online sports betting family and I went to visit him for two weeks. Meeting the friendly locals, eating some of the best chicken ever, and walking around the painting-lined streets and alleys of the local art district are just a few of the many impressions China left on me. This started 1xbet online sports betting curiosity toward learning the Chinese language.

When entering 1xbet online sports betting freshman year at K-State, I figured I would sign up for a Chinese class. After all, if I didn’t like it I could drop out. Luckily, it didn’t come to that! Though I struggled to adapt at first, under the guidance of the Chinese Program’s amazing professors, 1xbet online sports betting curiosity grew to become a hobby and a passion for the language. I am currently planning to further 1xbet online sports betting language skill though a Spring semester abroad, and am excited to see when 1xbet online sports betting career and 1xbet online sports betting second language will take me.

If you have ever considered Chinese or a foreign 1xbet online sports betting , absolutely give it a try and don’t give up! Not only is Chinese a very important and beautiful 1xbet online sports betting , but learning a foreign 1xbet online sports betting opens your eyes to new perspectives that are needed in a globalizing world.

chase 1xbet online sports betting Norton

  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Spanish and Political Science Photo of Chase Norton
  • Scholarship: Thomas E. Stamey Memorial Scholarship and the Johnston/Hollis Modern 1xbet online sports betting Scholarship

I am a senior at Kansas State from Wichita (Northwest High School). I have been studying Spanish for 8 years now. I am hoping to continue studying the language while also pursuing a graduate degree in Political Science. I felt that Spanish would be the most useful in the United States, and given 1xbet online sports betting interest in Latin America, I felt that learning the language would give me a better understanding of the culture and society of the region as a whole.The modern language department (both professors and students) are all incredibly friendly and want you to succeed. There is an environment that promotes positivity while also challenging oneself that I have loved to be a part of. Specifically, 1xbet online sports betting courses relating to translation have been extremely useful for 1xbet online sports betting understanding of the language but also are relevant in a variety of job markets.

I earned the Thomas E. Stamey Memorial Scholarship and the Johnston/Hollis Modern Language Scholarship. Both greatly helped me as a student to be able to focus on 1xbet online sports betting academics given the unpredictability that we have seen in 2020.

alyssa 1xbet online sports betting Parsons

Project Architect, BNIM, 1xbet online sports betting City

Photo of Alyssa Parsons

  • 1xbet online sports betting majors: Spanish and Master of Architecture
  • 1xbet online sports betting : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture

I chose to take several Spanish courses because I believe that the ability to communicate in a second 1xbet online sports betting - especially Spanish- will become more and more important in the near future.  Communication is such an integral part of what we do professionally.  The ability to understand others and be understood is critical.  The ability to communicate in another 1xbet online sports betting opens up more opportunities. Increasingly, job postings that I see in Architecture give preference to people who can speak a second or multiple languages. Especially if their work is in larger, more diverse cities or they work in international markets.

I am glad for the time I spent studying Spanish while at K-State. It was one of the few non-architecture course loads that stayed constant in 1xbet online sports betting curriculum. I appreciated then & now the exposure it gave me to different perspectives and possibilities. Even now- I have been able to research work from Spanish and Latino architects/firms direct from their words and websites; and I can connect with people who speak Spanish in and around the office and at the construction site.

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  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: French and AccountingPhoto of Matthew Swords.
  • Scholarship: the Popkins Scholarship in Modern Languages, the James L. Hollis Memorial Scholarship, and the Wilma Johnston and Jean Hollis Modern 1xbet online sports betting  Scholarship

1xbet online sports betting name is Matthew Swords, and I am currently a junior studying Accounting and French here at K-State! Outside of the classroom, I serve as Vice President of Union Governing Board, Treasurer of Rotaract Club, Judge for Judicial Branch of SGA, and Ambassador for the College of Business. I am also employed as a French Tutor and Teaching Assistant for the Mathematics Department. I love reading, drinking coffee, and learning new things, and I am so lucky to be here at K-State where I can do all these things! I chose to start learning French as a freshman in high school, and I have never looked back. I decided to continue French into college because I not only saw the value in having an extra language in 1xbet online sports betting toolkit, but also because I genuinely learning new things about the language and culture. French classes are 1xbet online sports betting favorite part about college, and I am so glad that I decided to continue with it and seek a major.

I was awarded funds from the Popkins Scholarship in Modern Languages, the James L. Hollis Memorial Scholarship, and the Wilma Johnston and Jean Hollis Modern Language Scholarship. This scholarship has benefitted me in numerous ways. For instance, it has allowed me to really focus on keeping 1xbet online sports betting grades up without having to worry as much outside of the classroom about how I am going to pay for things. I believe that by taking away some of 1xbet online sports betting financial worries, I am a better French student because I can really dive deep into the material.

melanie 1xbet online sports betting Timmermen

Photo of Melanie Timmermen

  • Speech 1xbet online sports betting Pathologist at Minds Matter LLC, Overland Park, Kansas
  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders; Spanish Minor
  • 1xbet online sports betting : Salamanca, Spain summer program

Use of Spanish is not required in 1xbet online sports betting current job, but that doesn't mean I don't use it. When I work with people who have a background in Spanish, it can pique their interest if I start speaking to them in Spanish, allowing for a more productive therapy experience.  

I also use the knowledge I learned with 1xbet online sports betting Spanish minor at KSU in 1xbet online sports betting personal life with travels.  I have used it to navigate through areas in Puerto Rico and Peru, opening the door for richer traveling experience.

Alexander vonderschmidt 1xbet online sports betting

  • Nutritional Epidemiologist, Cornell 1xbet online sports betting Photo of Alexander Vonderschmidt
  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Dietetics and French
  • 1xbet online sports betting : Lyon, France

Hello! 1xbet online sports betting name is Alexander Vonderschmidt. I am currently a researcher in epidemiology at Cornell University, where I received 1xbet online sports betting masters. I started 1xbet online sports betting degree in dietetics at K-State with the intent of becoming a registered dietitian, wanting to transform our food systems to be more in line with human health. However, I noticed that a lot of nutritional research was happening on the international stage and additionally, the World Health Organization had headquarters in Lyon, France and in Geneva, Switzerland. So, I thought having a French degree could potentially open doors in the future in regard to research and this felt like an appropriate continuation of 1xbet online sports betting prior, pre-university French studies.

During 1xbet online sports betting time at K-State, I was able to pursue interdisciplinary avenues to combine the training from both of 1xbet online sports betting degrees. I completed an independent research project under the tutelage of Dr. Kathleen Antonioli, “The Cultures of Nutrition in France and the United States: Differing Perspectives,” where I analyzed the differences in dietetic education, nutrition/food culture, and health care/public policy between the two countries. As a part of this research, I conducted interviews with dietitians in France during 1xbet online sports betting study abroad in Lyon. Also, I arranged a short externship, working with a team of dietitians at a 2,200-bed hospital system in Strasbourg, France.

Aside from simply becoming more familiar with French language and culture, what I didn’t realize was how well 1xbet online sports betting French classes would prepare me for epidemiological research at the graduate level, a seemingly unrelated field entirely. However, the skills that I gained from 1xbet online sports betting French degree: analysis and appraisal of research, critical thinking and problem solving, academic collaboration, how to generate accurate, well-tuned hypotheses; these are all features that I have used daily in 1xbet online sports betting epidemiological studies and will carry with me throughout 1xbet online sports betting academic career.

I am forever grateful for 1xbet online sports betting French studies and hold 1xbet online sports betting French degree in very high regards. Dr. Melinda Cro and Dr. Kathleen Antonioli are the most wonderful teachers you could ask for; their knowledge, kindness, and passion are unrivaled.

Aaron voth 1xbet online sports betting

Photo of Aaron Voth

  • Systems Developer at Altec, Elizabethtown, KY
  • 1xbet online sports betting Major: Management Information Systems; Japanese Minor
  • 1xbet online sports betting : Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies

Due to 1xbet online sports betting minor in Japanese, I was able to achieve 1xbet online sports betting lifetime dream of working in Japan through the JET Programme. In addition to improved language skills, I have gained a unique perspective of culture and society which has changed 1xbet online sports betting outlook on life. I am much more confident now. Facing the challenges of life abroad and communicating exclusively in a foreign language taught me not to be afraid of failure, and that anything can be accomplished with enough perseverance. Because of the sheer number of unexpected challenges in 1xbet online sports betting day to day life, I feel I have become more adaptable and now I am more capable of seizing opportunities as they arise.

Kole wright 1xbet online sports betting

  • Dual Major: 1xbet online sports betting with Distinction and German with Distinction Photo of Kole

I wanted to learn German originally because 1xbet online sports betting family used to speak it, but more importantly, it's fun. I love making German sentences, getting all the genders and cases just right, putting everything where it needs to go... German is a puzzle, but a truly melodic and satisfying one when you get it right. K-State has been a great time! The culture of helpfulness makes language learning approachable and fun, as well as effective. German is also a very useful language to learn, being spoken in so many situations and places in Europe and worldwide. When you combine that with its wealth of art and literature, German is an indispensable language for both international business and cozy fairy tales. After K-State, I’m going to graduate school at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies for an MA in French Translation and Interpretation. I hope to be a translator one day, especially of fantasy & sci-fi novels. I would also love to interpret at international political events.