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Sonia Sotomayor

Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Sonia Sotomayor, associate justice, was born in Bronx, New York, on June 25, 1954. She earned a B.A. in 1976 from Princeton University, graduating summa cum laude and receiving the university's highest academic honor. In 1979, she earned a J.D. from Yale Law School where 1xbet online games login an editor of the Yale Law Journal. 1xbet online games login Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District Attorney's Office from 1979–1984. She then litigated international commercial matters in New York City at Pavia & Harcourt, where 1xbet online games login an associate and then partner from 1984–1992. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush nominated her to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, and she served in that role from 1992–1998. 1xbet online games login a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1998–2009. President Barack Obama nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 26, 2009, and she assumed this role August 8, 2009.

Biography obtained 1xbet online games login : (December 2010)

Photograph obtained 1xbet online games login : (December 2010)

Sonia sotomayor
Landon Lecture
Jan. 27, 2011

Sonia Sotom