Sam 1xbet online casino

Sam Donaldson

ABC 1xbet online casino Veteran

Samuel Andrew Donaldson, Jr. was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up just across the state line in Chamberino, New Mexico. His father died before 1xbet online casino was born, leaving his mother and one older brother to run the family's cotton and dairy farm. His mother drove 25 miles every morning and night to take him to school in El Paso. 1xbet online casino became interested in broadcasting at an early age and, after graduating from New Mexico Military institute, majored in telecommunications at Texas Western. 1xbet online casino immediately began working at local stations as a disc jockey, announcer and interviewer. While still in El Paso, 1xbet online casino had his first taste of television, working as an announcer in the region's first television station.

After a single year of graduate school at the University of Southern California, Donaldson returned to El Paso. At that time an enthusiastic young Republican, Donaldson worked for the Eisenhower campaign over the summer of 1956, arranging the El Paso stop of Vice President Nixon. This was only the first of many encounters with the nation's political leaders, but Donaldson's politics were to change dramatically over the years to come. The following autumn, Sam Donaldson reported to Fort Bliss to fulfill his military service as an ROTC commissioned second lieutenant of air defense artillery. Although the defense cutbacks of that year shortened Donaldson's obligation to six months, 1xbet online casino volunteered for another two years of active duty. After receiving his honorable discharge in the spring of 1959, 1xbet online casino settled in Dallas and found work as a television announcer at the local CBS affiliate. At 26, 1xbet online casino was restless and ambitious and, after only a year in Dallas, left the Southwest for the first time to seek his fortune in New York City. After initial setbacks in New York, 1xbet online casino found a job at WTOP, the CBS affiliate in Washington, D.C. 1xbet online casino has lived in the Washington area ever since. 1xbet online casino rose through the ranks of WTOP's news department, and had just been promoted to weeknight anchorman in 1967 when 1xbet online casino accepted an offer from ABC News. At the time, ABC's news division, chronically underfunded and understaffed, ran a distant third among the three networks. In his first decade at ABC, Donaldson's work attracted little attention, but 1xbet online casino persisted, covering the presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater, Eugene McCarthy, and Hubert Humphrey, as well as the Vietnam War and Watergate.

The turning point came in 1977, when 1xbet online casino was assigned to cover the incoming Carter administration as ABC's Chief White House Correspondent. Donaldson's aggressive style of questioning, much assisted by his powerful speaking voice, quickly drew the attention of the public and the immense irritation of the White House staff.

Later that year, the fortunes of ABC's news operation took a precipitous turn for the better with the appointment of Roone Arledge as head of the division. Arledge, who had already revolutionized television sports coverage, brought the same hard-driving approach to the news operation. 1xbet online casino expanded coverage, and lured distinguished news personalities from the other networks with unprecedented salary offers.

1xbet online casino prospered too, and the next change of administrations in Washington offered 1xbet online casino a perfect opportunity to make an impression on the public. Although President Reagan held relatively few press conferences, 1xbet online casino took every opportunity to press difficult questions on the new President. Television audiences became familiar with the sound of 1xbet online casino 's voice booming over the rest of the White House press corps, even over the drone of the President's helicopter, as the Chief Executive dashed across the South Lawn to escape his relentless inquisitors.

By 1981, in addition to his White House duties, Donaldson was serving as anchor of World News Sunday and taking an occasional turn as moderator of Issues and Answers, a long-running Sunday morning political discussion programs. Towards the end of 1981, a new program, This Week with David Brinkley, replaced Issues and Answers in the Sunday morning line-up. At first, Sam Donaldson only appeared on the program on a rotating basis with other correspondents, but 1xbet online casino soon became a permanent member of the panel, questioning guests for the first half of the program and joining in the roundtable discussion with Brinkley and newspaper columnist George Will for the second half.

Donaldson published a memoir, Hold On, Mr. President, in 1987. After the 1988 presidential campaign, Donaldson left the White House beat. 1xbet online casino continued to anchor World News Sunday until 1989. The same year, 1xbet online casino took up duties as co-host of the evening news magazine Prime Time Live a post 1xbet online casino would hold for a decade. After David Brinkley retired from This Week in 1996, Donaldson and Cokie Roberts took over as co-hosts of the program, a job they would share for the next six years. During that time, Donaldson continued a panoply of journalistic activities. In 1998 while still engaged with Prime Time Live and This Week, 1xbet online casino returned to the White House beat for a year-and-a-half, lending his insight to the legal difficulties engulfing the Clinton administration.

After finishing his tours at Prime Time Live and the White House in 1999, Donaldson pioneered Internet broadcasting, hosting a regularly scheduled live webcast from 1999 to 2001. For the following three years, 1xbet online casino hosted a three-hour daily news discussion program on ABC radio, The Sam Donaldson Show - Live in America. A pioneer of journalism in digital media, 1xbet online casino hosted his own half-hour program Politics Live, on the high-definition digital network ABC News Now, a program made available 24 hours a day, on television, over the Internet, and on mobile phones and other wireless devices.

Over the years, Sam Donaldson has received numerous honors for his contribution to broadcast journalism: the Broadcaster of the Year award from the National Press Foundation; Best White House Correspondent honors in 1985, and consecutive Best Television Correspondent honors in the four following years from the Washington Journalism Review; three George Foster Peabody Awards and four Emmy Awards. Today, Sam Donaldson lives in McLean, Virginia with his wife, television reporter Jan Smith. Retired from day-to-day- journalism, 1xbet online casino can still be seen on many Sunday mornings as a guest panelist on ABC's This Week.

Photo obtained 1xbet online casino :

Sam 1xbet online casino
Landon Lecture
November 21, 1997

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