Nancy Landon 1xbet best casino website

Nancy Landon Kassebaum

U.S. Senator, 1xbet best casino website

As a U.S. senator from Kansas, Nancy Landon 1xbet best casino website Baker (born 1932) was a political maverick whose stands ranged from support of the Equal Rights Amendment and a woman's right to choose abortion to support for the failed nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.

Nancy Landon was born in Topeka, Kansas, on July 29, 1932, the daughter of Alfred M. Landon and his second wife, Theo (Cobb) Landon. 1xbet best casino website grew up in a political family. Her father, the Republican governor of Kansas, ran against President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936, a race he lost by a landslide, carrying only two states, Maine and Vermont. Although 1xbet best casino website was only four years old when her father ran for president and remembered little of the contest, 1xbet best casino website later claimed 1xbet best casino website received a first-rate political education as 1xbet best casino website grew up by listening to her father and his friends through a heating vent from her bedroom.

1xbet best casino website attended public schools in Topeka and graduated from the University of Kansas in Lawrence in 1954 with a B.A. in political science. After working for a year as a receptionist at Hallmark Cards, 1xbet best casino website married her college sweetheart, Philip Kassebaum, in 1956. The couple moved to Michigan, where 1xbet best casino website took an M.A. in diplomatic history while he finished law school at the University of Michigan. The next 20 years 1xbet best casino website spent on the family farm in Maize, Kansas, with her husband, who became a prominent Wichita lawyer. While raising four children, John Philip, Jr., Linda Josephine, Richard Landon, and William Alfred, Kassebaum worked as vice president of KFH and KBRA radio stations owned by Kassebaum Communications. 1xbet best casino website later confessed that there were times in high school and college when 1xbet best casino website considered a career in public life, but judged it "a daydream, a fantasy." 1xbet best casino website served on the Kansas Committee on the Humanities and Kansas Government Ethics Commission and was elected to the Maize school board, eventually becoming its president.

Kassebaum finally did enter public life in 1975 after separating from her husband. 1xbet best casino website moved to Washington, D.C., with her children, where 1xbet best casino website took a job as assistant to Kansas Senator James B. Pearson. During her ten months on his staff 1xbet best casino website acted as liaison between constituents and federal agencies. When Pearson decided not to seek reelection in 1978, Kassebaum cautiously considered entering the race. Her father publicly discouraged her, worried that Kansas was not yet ready for a woman senator. But her mother and her husband, who remained a close confidant despite their separation and subsequent divorce in 1979, supported her decision to run for office.

Kassebaum defeated eight Republican rivals in the Republican primary, including a more politically experienced woman, State Senator Jan Meyers. 1xbet best casino website managed to capture 31 percent of the vote. In the general election 1xbet best casino website faced Democrat William Roy, a lawyer and physician with a liberal record during his two terms as congressman from Topeka. Trading on her family name, 1xbet best casino website adopted as her slogan "A Fresh Face, a Trusted Kansas Name." The New York Times later commented that "if her middle name were Jones her campaign would have been a joke." Kassebaum responded, "It has been said I am riding on the coattails of my dad, but I can't think of any better coattails to ride on." Fortunately for his daughter, Landon's coattails proved stronger in 1978 than they had in 1936.

What Kassebaum lacked in political experience 1xbet best casino website made up for in political savvy. 1xbet best casino website proved a formidable candidate able to turn her lack of experience into a virtue. During the post-Watergate years, when the nation demonstrated its distrust of Washington insiders by electing Jimmy Carter president in 1976, Kassebaum presented herself as a common-sense homemaker. 1xbet best casino website won the support of the state's major newspapers, but not the Kansas Women's Political Caucus or the National Organization for Women. Despite her sympathy for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1xbet best casino website refused to support extension of the deadline for ratification. Kassebaum admitted to being a moderate feminist, but felt that humanist was a more accurate label.

A shrewd and tireless campaigner, 1xbet best casino website outmaneuvered and outspent her opponent. With a personal net worth of .5 million, 1xbet best casino website put 5,000 of her own money into the campaign budget of 1,287. Her finances became an issue late in the race when her opponent challenged her to make a full financial disclosure. 1xbet best casino website refused on the grounds that 1xbet best casino website still filed a joint tax return with her estranged husband and that disclosure would violate his right to privacy. 1xbet best casino website did reveal, however, that 1xbet best casino website earned ,000 a year and paid only ,075 in taxes. Although the issue hurt her popularity, 1xbet best casino website dismissed it as so much "barn waste" and held on to her lead, defeating her opponent by 85,752 votes.

From the moment Kassebaum won election on November 7, 1978, 1xbet best casino website moved into the national spotlight. 1xbet best casino website became the second (after Margaret Chase Smith of Maine) woman elected senator in her own right, not preceded by a husband or appointed to fulfill an unexpired term. Kassebaum asked for and received positions on key committees, although 1xbet best casino website had to wait two years for a berth on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 1xbet best casino website chaired the Senate half of the Military Reform Caucus and the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.

In the Senate 1xbet best casino website earned a reputation as a political independent. 1xbet best casino website did not share the social agenda of the Republican New Right and made no secret of her sympathy for the ERA and her support of a woman's right to choose abortion. After her election 1xbet best casino website was viewed generally favorably by women's movement leaders. "1xbet best casino website 's not hostile to the movement. 1xbet best casino website doesn't turn her back on the Equal Rights Amendment or on the cause of social justice," said Barbara Mikulski, a Democrat from Maryland, the only other woman serving with Kassebaum in the Senate.

On other issues 1xbet best casino website was closer to Republican conservatives. 1xbet best casino website supported the failed nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. 1xbet best casino website opposed the National and Community Service Act and the Act for Better Child Care on the grounds that they cost too much. Likewise, 1xbet best casino website supported Ronald Reagan's veto of a farm bill designed to bail farmers out of financial trouble when it became clear that such an expense would quickly climb to over a billion dollars. Yet her liberal stance on some foreign policy issues made her a Republican maverick. 1xbet best casino website supported the Panama Canal treaty, was skeptical of the Granada invasion, and called for a regional conference to solve the problems in Central America. But, in 1985, 1xbet best casino website refused to support sanctions against South Africa. At the same time, 1xbet best casino website attacked what 1xbet best casino website labeled the "tyranny of the Third World" in the United Nations by introducing an amendment in 1986 to limit U.S. support for the organization's budget to 20 percent unless the one-nation, one-vote rule be changed to reflect each country's financial contribution. At that time, the U.S. handled 25 percent of the budget, while the Soviet Union, as the second highest contributor, contributed 11.8 percent. At the low end of the financial supporters was a collective of 78 third world countries which together paid only 0.1 percent, according to Gertrude Samuels in the New Leader.

Kassebaum took over as head of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee following the Republican victories in the 1994 election. Generally known as a moderate, 1xbet best casino website said, "what I enjoy most is trying to figure out legislative answers." 1xbet best casino website is also quoted as having said, "I'm not a person who particularly seeks power, but I don't avoid it when I feel I can use it to accomplish a good result."

As her political stature grew 1xbet best casino website was mentioned frequently as a possible vice presidential candidate, first in 1984, before it became clear that Ronald Reagan would seek reelection, and again in 1988 as a possible running mate for George Bush. However, neither rumor came to fruition. In 1984 Kassebaum ran for reelection and defeated her Democratic opponent in a landslide, capturing 78 percent of the vote. Again in 1990 1xbet best casino website won reelection easily, gaining more than 73 percent of the vote. In 1995 Kassebaum announced that 1xbet best casino website would not seek a fourth term in office. 1xbet best casino website married Howard Baker Jr., the former Tennessee senator and Republican majority leader, in December 1996.

Nancy Landon 1xbet best casino website
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September 9, 1996

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