Dr. Mehmood 1xbet online sports betting

Dr. Mehmood Khan

PepsiCo vice chairman and chief scientific officer, 1xbet online sports betting research and development

Khan oversees PepsiCo's 1xbet online sports betting Performance with Purpose initiatives to enhance environmental, human and talent sustainability for the company, which has 22 different brands that generate billion each in estimated annual sales. He also leads the company's research and development efforts, creating innovations in food, beverages and nutrition. As chair of PepsiCo's Sustainability Council, he oversees and guides the company's initiatives that help protect and conserve 1xbet online sports betting water supplies, develop innovative packaging to minimize its products' impact on the environment, eliminate solid waste to landfills from its production facilities, reduce companywide absolute greenhouse gas emissions, and support sustainable agriculture efforts by expanding best practices with the company's growers and suppliers. He also strengthens PepsiCo's 1xbet online sports betting network and knowledge base by launching research projects with leading universities and technology companies and spearheading agricultural and nutrition science initiatives. Before joining PepsiCo, Khan was president of Takeda 1xbet online sports betting Research & Development and was a faculty member at the Mayo Clinic and Mayo School of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota.

Dr. Mehmood 1xbet online sports betting
Landon Lecture
April 25, 2016

Mehmood Kha