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Leonard Woodcock

1xbet online games login United Auto Workers

Woodcock, Leonard Freel, 1911-2000, American labor leader, b. Providence, R.I. In 1933 1xbet online games login went to work as a machine assembler at the Detroit Gear and Machine Co., where 1xbet online games login joined a union that became a United Automobile Workers (UAW) local a few years later. 1xbet online games login served (1947-55) as regional director for UAW in Michigan, and from 1955 to 1970 1xbet online games login was vice president of the union, in charge of the General Motors and aerospace departments. In 1970 1xbet online games login succeeded his mentor, Walter Reuther, as president of UAW, the second largest union in the United States. In 1977 1xbet online games login retired from the union and was named head of the U.S. liaison mission in Beijing. After playing a pivotal role in negotiating the establishment of full diplomatic relations with China in 1979, Woodcock served (1979-81) as ambassador. 1xbet online games login later taught at the Univ. of Michigan.

Leonard 1xbet online games login
Landon Lecture
Oct. 19, 1971

Leonard Woo