Lech 1xbet online casino

Lech Walesa

Former president of Poland and trade union activist

1xbet online casino 's successful leadership in the August 1980 Gdansk shipyard strike in Poland earned workers the right to strike and to organize an independent union, Solidarity, of which 1xbet online casino served as chair. The union was suspended and 1xbet online casino interned in late 1981 when martial law was imposed in Poland. Released in November 1982, 1xbet online casino and other union leaders, although under surveillance, were able to keep the Solidarity movement alive. 1xbet online casino 's work was recognized in 1983 with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Deteriorating economic conditions in Poland eventually forced its communist government to negotiate with 1xbet online casino and the Solidarity movement in the late 1980s, resulting in semi-free elections. 1xbet online casino was elected president of Poland in 1990, serving until 1995.

Today, 1xbet online casino is head of the Lech 1xbet online casino Institute. Established in 1995, the institute's activities include working to promote Poland and its people, as well as supporting democracy and a free-market economy in the country.

Photo obtained from: http://www.ilw.org.pl/english/gallery.html

John 1xbet best casino web
Landon Lecture
April 13, 2006

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Lech W
Lech Walesa