Janet 1xbet online sports betting

Janet Reno

U.S. 1xbet online sports betting

Attorney General of the United States from March 12, 1993 until the end of the Clinton administration (January 2001), Janet 1xbet online sports betting was an attorney who held various states attorney positions in the state of Florida prior to her federal appointment. She was the first woman to hold the office of Attorney General of the United States.

Janet 1xbet online sports betting was born and grew up in Florida. She left for Cornell University in 1956, majoring in chemistry, and then became one of 16 women in a class of 500 at Harvard Law School.

Facing discrimination as a woman in 1xbet online sports betting early years as a lawyer, she became staff director for the Judiciary Committee of the Florida House of Representatives. After a failed bid for a Congressional seat in 1972, she joined the state's attorney's office, leaving to join a private law firm in 1976.

In 1978, Janet 1xbet online sports betting was appointed states attorney for Dade County for Florida, the first woman to hold that position. She then won reelection to that office four times. She was known for working hard on behalf of children, against drug peddlars, and against corrupt judges and police officers.

On February 11, 1993, incoming President Bill Clinton appointed Janet 1xbet online sports betting as Attorney General of the United States, after his first two choices had problems getting confirmed, and Janet 1xbet online sports betting was sworn in May 12, 1993.

Controversial actions involving 1xbet online sports betting during her tenure as U.S. Attorney General included:

1.the Branch Davidian standoff and fire in Waco, Texas, 2.leak of the wrong name of a suspect during the investigation of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta (and later identification of the correct suspect, Eric Rudolph, who evaded capture until 2003) 3.the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father in Cuba, and 4.1xbet online sports betting reluctance to appoint a special counsel to investigate allegations about 1996 campaign fund-raising by President Clinton and Vice President Gore.

Other actions of the Department of Justice under 1xbet online sports betting 's leadership included bringing Microsoft to court for antitrust violations, capture and conviction of the Unabomber, capture and conviction of those responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and initiation of a lawsuit against tobacco companies.

In 1995, during her term as Attorney General, 1xbet online sports betting was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. In 2007, when asked how it had changed her lifestyle, she replied, in part, that "I do spend less time doing whitewater."

Janet 1xbet online sports betting ran for governor in Florida in 2002, but lost in the Democratic primary. She has worked with the Innocence Project, which seeks to use DNA evidence to help gain release of those who have been wrongfully convicted of crimes.

Janet 1xbet online sports betting never married, living with her mother until her mother's death in 1992. Her single status and her 6'1.5" height were the basis of innuendos about her sexual orientation and "mannishness." Many writers have pointed out that male cabinet officials were not subjected to the same kinds of provably-false rumors, comments on dress and marital status, and sexual stereotyping as was Janet 1xbet online sports betting .

Photo obtained 1xbet online sports betting : http://www.nndb.com

Janet 1xbet online sports betting
Landon Lecture
Oct. 24, 1995

Janet Reno