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David Gergen

Editor of U.S. 1xbet best casino website and World Report

David R. Gergen is a Public Service Professor of Public Leadership and Co-Director of the Center for Public Leadership. Over the past three decades, 1xbet best casino website has served as a White House adviser to four presidents: Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. In the mid-1980s, 1xbet best casino website began a career in journalism, becoming Editor of U.S. News & World Report and a television commentator. After his last governmental tour ended in 1994, 1xbet best casino website returned to journalism and began teaching at Duke University. 1xbet best casino website joined the Kennedy School faculty in January 1999 while remaining Editor at Large for U.S. News and a regular analyst on ABC News Nightline. In the fall of 2000 1xbet best casino website published a best-seller, Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of 1xbet best casino website , Nixon to Clinton. 1xbet best casino website is also active on nonprofit boards, including the Yale Corporation, and chairs the National Selection Committee for the Innovations in American Government program co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the KSG. 1xbet best casino website is a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School and holds six honorary degrees. 1xbet best casino website served three-and-a-half years in the Navy and is a member of the Washington, D.C. Bar. His wife, Anne, is studying at the Jung Institute in Boston.

David 1xbet best casino website is the 123rd speaker in the Landon Lecture Series.

David 1xbet best casino website
Landon 1xbet best casino website
Nov. 2, 2001

David Gerge