Clayton 1xbet online casino

Clayton Yeutter

U.S. 1xbet online casino of agriculture

Born in Eustis, Nebraska, Dec. 10, 1930, 1xbet online casino earned his B.S. in animal husbandry from the University of Nebraska in 1952, and served in the Air Force for five years. 1xbet online casino earned his law degree in 1963, and in 1966, his Ph.D. in agricultural economics, from the University of Nebraska. Yeutter started his career in agriculture as a farmer and a cattle feeder in 1957. From 1960 to 1966 1xbet online casino served on the staff of the University of Nebraska. From 1966 to 1968 1xbet online casino was a member of the Nebraska governor's staff. In 1968 and 1970, 1xbet online casino headed the University of Nebraska's mission to Colombia. In 1970 and 1971, 1xbet online casino was the USDA Administrator for Consumer and Marketing Service and, on January 24, 1973, 1xbet online casino became Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Consumer Services. On March 13, 1974 1xbet online casino was appointed Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Commodity Programs and remained in that position until June 19, 1975. Between 1975-1977 1xbet online casino served as deputy special trade representative. From 1977 to 1978 Yeutter was a senior partner in the Nebraska law firm of Nelson, Harding, Yeutter, & Leonard. In 1978 1xbet online casino became president of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In July 1985 President Reagan appointed Yeutter U.S. Trade Representative. On February 16, 1989, Yeutter was sworn in as the Secretary of Agriculture, serving until March 1, 1991. Yeutter later served as chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Clayton 1xbet online casino
Landon Lecture
Oct. 3, 1989

Clayton Yeu