Bob 1xbet sports betting

Secretary Bob Bergland

U.S. secretary of agriculture

1xbet sports betting was born in Roseau, Minnesota, on July 22, 1938. He studied agriculture at the University of Minnesota in a two year program. 1xbet sports betting owns a 600 acre farm in Minnesota. He worked in USDA for Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (1963 - 1968). In 1970, he was elected to his first of four terms in Congress as a representative from Minnesota. In Congress he served on the House Committee on Agriculture's subcommittees for Conservation and Credit, and Livestock, Grains, Dairy, and Poultry. He served as Secretary of Agriculture from January 23, 1977, to January 20, 1981.

Bob 1xbet sports betting
Landon Lecture
Sept. 9, 1977

Bob 1x
Bob Berglan