Alfred M. 1xbet online sports betting

Alfred M. Landon

Former governor of Kansas and
former presidential candidate

Alfred M. 1xbet online sports betting was born Sept. 9, 1887, the son of John and Anne 1xbet online sports betting . Alfred received preparatory education at Marrietta Academy in Ohio. He grew up in Ohio and when he was 17 they moved to Kansas. 1xbet online sports betting graduated from the University of Kansas in 1908 with a degree in law. He was married to Margaret Fleming on Jan. 9, 1915; she died in 1918. After some time, he married Theo Cobb in 1930.

While 1xbet online sports betting was growing up, he got into the oil business and made a success of it. Though he was successful, 1xbet online sports betting used his degree in law to begin a political career and joined the Republican Party in 1912. With his knowledge of the law, he helped to campaign for Theodore Roosevelt and also the Progressive Party. 1xbet online sports betting helped to propose programs that dealt with women's suffrage, direct election of senators, antitrust legislation, and the prohibition of child labor.

In 1932, 1xbet online sports betting was elected governor of Kansas; as such, he became a key figure in the Republican Party. He continued to be a key figure throughout the 1930s.

1xbet online sports betting was re-elected in 1934, and was chosen in 1936 by the Republican Party to be the presidential candidate to stand against Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1xbet online sports betting had a lot of success before that election and the Republican Party believed that he would be a strong candidate.

Roosevelt easily won, however, with 27,751,612 votes to 1xbet online sports betting 's 16,681,913 votes. Many politicians believed that it was Roosevelt's manner of dealing with the faltering economy through the New Deal that made him the favorite. Even after the election, 1xbet online sports betting expressed much respect for Roosevelt, and he agreed with much of the New Deal. He believed, however, that the New Deal was hostile to the country's businesses and involved too much waste.

When the election was over, 1xbet online sports betting went back to Kansas where he finished his term as governor in 1937. As the years went on, 1xbet online sports betting continued to be active with the Republican Party as a leader and adviser. In November 1962, 1xbet online sports betting was asked to describe his political philosophy:

"I would say practical progressive, which means that the Republican party or any political party has got to recognize the problems of a growing and complex industrial civilization. And I don't think the Republican party is really wide awake to that."

1xbet online sports betting was visited by President Ronald Reagan on his 100th birthday at his home in Topeka, Kansas. He died shortly after, on Oct. 12, 1987. After his death, the state of Kansas dedicated the 1xbet online sports betting State Office Building in his honor.

Alfred M. 1xbet online sports betting
1xbet online sports betting Lecture
Dec. 13, 1966

Alfred M. L