Secretaries of 1xbet sports betting

Secretaries of Agriculture

Mike Johanns, Ann Veneman, Dan Glickman, Ed Schafer, Mike Espy, and John Block, six former U.S. secretaries of 1xbet sports betting

Oct. 21, 2013

"The Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues has a long tradition of highlighting leaders in 1xbet sports betting , but to have six of the nation's 1xbet sports betting leaders on the same stage is nothing short of monumental," said Jackie Hartman, the university's chief of staff and director of community relations. "In addition, this forum is very fitting given the university's celebration of the sesquicentennial and our land-grant mission."

For more than 40 years, Kansas State University's Alfred M. Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues has brought prestigious speakers to campus. Alfred Landon served two consecutive terms as Kansas governor and was the 1936 Republican Party nominee for president of the United States.

Secretaries of 1xbet sports betting
Landon Lecture
Oct. 21, 2013
