series 1xbet online games login Speakers

Since its inception in 1966, the Landon Lecture Series has welcomed hundreds of influential and inspirational individuals to its stage. From foreign heads of 1xbet online games login to Fortune 500 company CEOs, Landon speakers have historically underscored current tones and cultural shifts felt around the globe.


Speaker Date

Laura Kelly

Governor of Kansas
For a Healthier Kansas, We Need a Healthier Political Discourse

February 16, 2024


There were no Landon Lectures during this year.


Speaker Date

David beasley

Executive Director of the United Nations 1xbet online games login Food Programme
Kansas' Legacy in Global Food Security

November 3, 2022


There were no Landon Lectures during this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Speaker Date

Juan Manuel 1xbet b

former 1xbet online games login of Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
From Hawk to Dove

February 4, 2020


Speaker Date

Alan 1xbet o

CEO of Fortune
The Future of Facts: Searching for Truth in the 21st Century

September 27, 2019

Michael R. Pomp

U.S. Secretary of 1xbet online games login
In Defense of the American Rights Tradition

September 6, 2019


Speaker Date

Sonny 1xbet s

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Leave It Better Than You Found It: Lessons in Public Service I Learned on the Farm

November 1, 2018

Sen. Jerry 1

U.S. Senator, Kansas
Answering the Call: Serving a Global Society Post 9/11

September 11, 2018

Joyce 1xbet

former 1xbet online games login of Malawi
America's Role in Promoting Gender Equality and Development Worldwide: Lessons from Africa

January 29, 2018


Speaker Date

Martin 1xbet

Executive editor for the Washington Post

April 6, 2017


Speaker Date

Temple 1xbet online

Author, 1xbet online games login -renowned autism spokesperson, consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior and professor of animal science at Colorado State University
Successful Education of Students with Different Kinds of Minds

November 29, 2016

Navy 1xbet online game

Outgoing commander of the U.S. Strategic Command

October 21, 2016

Higher Education Panel of Kansas state 1xbet sports bettin
Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen Jr., David Hall and Bud Peterson

Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point; 1xbet online games login of the University of the Virgin Islands; and 1xbet online games login of Georgia Institute of Technology

September 26, 2016

Wes 1xbet

CEO of Northrop Grumman

September 6, 2016

Luis Guillermo sol 1

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May 19, 2016

Dr. Mehmood 1xbet

PepsiCo vice chairman and chief scientific officer, global research and development
Choose Both

April 25, 2016

John Avlon and Margaret 1xbet o

Political pundits

April 15, 2016

H.W. 1xbet o

Historian, author and the Jack S. Blanton Sr. chair in history at the University of Texas, Austin
Reagan brought parties together

April 7, 2016


Speaker Date

Jeh 1xbet on

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
The New Realities of Homeland Security

May 27, 2015

Steve 1xbet o

Chairman and Editor in Chief of Forbes Media
Remarks About the U.S. and the Global Economy

March 9, 2015


Speaker Date

Thomas 1xbet on

Former National Security Adviser to 1xbet online games login Barack Obama
A Morning with Thomas Donilon
April 15, 2014

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ESPN Inc. 1xbet online games login ; Big 12 Commissioner; Former University of Texas Athletics Director; and 1xbet online games login of Kansas State University
Experts on College Athletics
April 2, 2014


Speaker Date

Secretaries of 1xbet sports betting

Six 1xbet online games login U.S. Secretaries of Agriculture
A Conversation with the Secretaries
Oct. 21, 2013

Michael 1xbet

Israeli Ambassador
Israel, the Ultimate Ally
Jan. 29, 2013


Speaker Date

Gen. Martin 1xb

U.S. Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Image of a Veteran
Oct. 1, 2012

Tom 1xbet on

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Why America Needs Agriculture
April 10, 2012


Speaker Date

Alan K. 1xbet on

1xbet online games login U.S. Senator, Wyoming
Shared Sacrifice and Going Broke
Oct. 26, 2011

Sonia sotomayor

Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Jan. 27, 2011


Speaker Date

Kathleen 1xbet spo

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Health Care in Transition — A New Era
Nov. 29, 2010

Adm. Michael G. 1x

U.S. Navy Admiral and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Nature of War Today
March 3, 2010

Dennis C. blair

Director of National Intelligence
The National Intelligence Community
Feb. 22, 2010


Speaker Date

Sheila C. 1xbet

Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
The Financial Crisis: How Did It Happen and What to do About It
Nov. 2, 2009

Gen. David 1xbe

U.S. Army General and Commander of the U.S. Central Command
Counterinsurgency Approaches in Iraq and Afghanistan
April 27, 2009


Speaker Date

Vicente 1xbe

Former 1xbet online games login of Mexico
U.S. and Mexico: My Hope for a Prosperous Future
Sept. 23, 2008

Gen. Michael h

U.S. Air Force General and Director of Central Intelligence Agency
The CIA and Global Trends in the 21st Century
April 30, 2008

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Chinese Ambassador
The Current 1xbet online games login of U.S.-China Relations
Feb. 11, 2008


Speaker Date

Robert 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Defense
National Power: Soft Power and Hard Power
Nov. 26, 2007

Bill 1xbet on

Former U.S. 1xbet online games login
New Challenges in International Relations II
March 2, 2007

Prince 1xbet online gam

Outgoing Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.
New Challenges in International Relations
Jan. 26, 2007


Speaker Date

Donald H. 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Defense
A Time of Peril
Nov. 9, 2006

John 1xbet best

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The Energy Situation Today and in the Future
Sept. 8, 2006

Lech 1xbet o

Former 1xbet online games login of Poland and a Trade Union Activist
My Perspectives on the History of Poland and its Role in Creating the Modern 1xbet online games login
April 13, 2006

Sen. Sam 1xbet

U.S. Senator, Kansas
American Exceptionalism
Feb. 22, 2006

George W. 1xbet

U.S. 1xbet online games login
Presidential Decision-making
Jan. 23, 2006


Speaker Date

Ted 1xbet o

Co-founder of CNN and Other Major Cable Network Channels and 1xbet online games login -renowned Philanthropist
The Future of the 1xbet online games login as I See It
Nov. 28, 2005

Mikhail 1xbet onli

Former 1xbet online games login of the U.S.S.R.
Russia and the New 1xbet online games login Order
Oct. 28, 2005

Ryozo 1xbet

Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.
Sharing a Global Mission
Oct. 18, 2005

Brian 1xbet onl

Anchor and Managing Editor of "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams"
Reflections on the Power of Television and Modern Life
May 3, 2005

Jim 1xbet o

Executive Editor and Anchor of "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" on PBS
Politics and the Discourse Deficit
April 4, 2005

Lee 1xbet onl

Vice Chair of the 9-11 Commission
Security in America After 9-11
March 29, 2005


Speaker Date

Bill 1xbet spor

Senior Political Analyst at CNN
Political Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Election
Nov. 16, 2004

Arthur 1xbet best casi

Publisher of The New York Times
The Problem with Modern Political Discourse
Sept. 13, 2004

Sen. Tom 1xb

U.S. Senator, South Dakota, and U.S. Senate Minority Leader
Can We Talk? Free Speech and Civil Discourse in Turbulent Times
May 10, 2004

Sen. Pat 1xb

U.S. Senator, Kansas
Reforming the Intelligence Community in the Age of Global Terrorism
May 3, 2004

Robert 1xbet be

Director of the FBI
The FBI: Changing to Meet Today's Challenges
April 13, 2004


Speaker Date

Paul 1xbet s

Radio Newsman
A Message of Freedom with Responsibility
Sept. 19, 2003

Ashleigh 1xbet bes

MSNBC Anchor
TV Cable News and War Coverage
April 24, 2003

Michael 1xbet onli

Presidential Historian
Hindsight vs. Real Time: Assessing the Actions of the Presidency
March 6, 2003

Sen. Chuck 1

U.S. Senator, Nebraska
America's Purpose in the 1xbet online games login
Feb. 20, 2003


Speaker Date

Gale 1xbet o

U.S. Secretary of the Interior
The New Environmentalism and Creating Citizen Conservationists
May 6, 2002

J.C. 1xbet onli

U.S. Representative, Oklahoma
Sustaining the Greatness of America
April 26, 2002

David 1xbet sport

Pulitzer Prize-winning Author
The Founders: The Greatest Generation
Feb. 1, 2002


Speaker Date

David 1xbet b

Editor-at-large of U.S. News and 1xbet online games login Report
Sept. 11 is a New Call to Public Service
Nov. 2, 2001

Dr. David 1xbet sp

U.S. Surgeon General
A Prescription for the American People
Sept. 20, 2001

Ernesto 1xbet on

Former 1xbet online games login of Mexico
More, Not Less, Globalization is the Answer
May 3, 2001

Stephen 1xbet on

Historian and Author
Eisenhower: A Great and Good Man
April 19, 2001


Speaker Date

Donna E. shalala

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
The Five Challenges of Supporting Health Care: A Vision for the Highest and the Common Good
Nov. 17, 2000

General Richard 1

U.S. Air Force General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Why We Serve
April 26, 2000

Bob 1xbet spo

Investigative Journalist
A Little Honest Communication: Four Questions About Politics and the Media
March 29, 2000


Speaker Date

Henry 1xbet

U.S. Representative, Illinois
Defining and Understanding Culture and Politics
Dec. 1, 1999

Cokie 1xbet be

Political Analyst for ABC News
Presidential Campaign Politics, the Gender Gap, and the Power Split Between Congress and the Presidency
Nov. 8, 1999

John 1xbet o

U.S. Senator, Arizona
Building a Better America
March 15, 1999

Howard 1xbet

1xbet online games login U.S. Senator, Tennessee
Our Remarkable System of Government: Its Future in an Uncertain 1xbet online games login
March 9, 1999


There were no Landon Lectures during this year.


Speaker Date

Sam 1xbet onli

ABC News Veteran
The 1xbet online games login of Television News Today
Nov. 21, 1997

Phil gramm

U.S. Senator, Texas
How to Reform Medicare and Social Security
Oct. 17, 1997

William S. 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Defense
Staying the Course: Our Legacy and Our Destiny
Sept. 12, 1997

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1995 Pulitzer Prize Winner in History
The Past in All its Beauty, Sorrow, Glory
April 22, 1997


Speaker Date

Marlin 1xbet spor

1xbet online games login Press Secretary to Presidents Reagan and Bush
Surfing the Tidal Wave: Changes in the Practice of Journalism
Nov. 21, 1996

Nancy Landon 1xbet best

U.S. Senator, Kansas
The Intersection of Hope and Doubt
Sept. 9, 1996

Henry 1xbet onli

1xbet online games login U.S. Secretary of State
Different Histories, Different Conceptions: The New 1xbet online games login and Our Role in International Relations
April 29, 1996

Wojciech 1xbet onlin

Former 1xbet online games login of Poland
Moving Poland Toward Democracy
March 11, 1996

Dr. Harold 1xb

Director of the National Institutes of Health
Gene Research: A Biological Frontier
Feb. 5, 1996


Speaker Date

Janet 1xbet

U.S. Attorney General
Our Children, Our Communities
Oct. 24, 1995

Dan 1xbet onl

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Securing Our Place in the Global Economy
Sept. 8, 1995

William 1xbet onli

Urban Affairs Columnist for The Washington Post
A Crisis of Community
April 13, 1995

William 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Defense
The Consequences and Choices of Alternative Security Policies in Bosnia
March 9, 1995

Ross 1xbet onl

1xbet online games login Presidential Candidate and Businessman
Career Advice for the 21st Century
Jan. 24, 1995


Speaker Date

mike 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Promises Made, Promises Kept
Feb. 3, 1994


Speaker Date

The Rev. Jesse 1xbet on

Civil Rights Leader and Activist
Trapped in the Trade Winds of Our Times: Violence and Crime in America
Nov. 29, 1993

Pat 1xbet onli

Founder of Christian Broadcast Network
The Turning Tide
Oct. 12, 1993

Robert 1xbet on

1xbet online games login U.S. Ambassador to Soviet Union
Participating in the Promise of Spring in Russia
May 5, 1993


Speaker Date

Bernard 1xbet

CNN Principal Washington Anchor
An Uneven Playing Field in America
Nov. 20, 1992

Lynne 1xbet o

Director of National Endowment for the Humanities
Let's Get Back to Teaching Truths
Oct. 30, 1992

Lamar 1xbet onli

U.S. Secretary of Education
Education in Transition
Oct. 7, 1992

Violeta 1xbet onl

1xbet online games login of Nicaragua
Changing the 1xbet online games login of History in Nicaragua
April 8, 1992


Speaker Date

Lawrence Douglas 1xbet o

Governor of Virginia
The Need for Change
Oct. 30, 1991

David 1xbet bes

U.S. Senator, Oklahoma
The Next Century: Is America Ready for It?
Oct. 14, 1991

Jimmy 1xbet s

Former U.S. 1xbet online games login
Life After the White House: Global Issues and the Middle East
April 26, 1991

Bill 1xbet on

U.S. Senator, New Jersey
The New 1xbet online games login Challenges America Faces
April 15, 1991


Speaker Date

Adm. Richard 1xbe

Vice Admiral in the U.S. Navy, 1xbet online games login Astronaut and Current NASA Administrator
The Exploration of Space
Dec. 12, 1990

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U.S. Secretary of Labor
Reflections on the 1xbet online games login of the American Workforce
Oct. 31, 1990

Abba 1xbet

1xbet online games login Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations and U.S.
Prospects for Peace in the Middle East
Jan. 29, 1990


Speaker Date

Colin 1xbet b

U.S. Army General and Commander in Chief at Forces Command
Is the Future What It Used to Be?
Nov. 8, 1989

Clayton 1xbet on

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Get Sophisticated in Your Education
Oct. 3, 1989


Speaker Date

Sandra Day 1xbet spo

Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Establishing Justice
Feb. 16, 1988

Vernon 1xbet on

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Successes of the United Nations
Nov. 11, 1988

Barbara 1xbet on

Historian and Author
Where Are the Progressive Republicans
Sept. 8, 1988

Jim 1xbet s

U.S. Representative, Texas, and Speaker of the U.S. House
Mediocrity is Not Our Destiny
April 25, 1988


Speaker Date

Oscar 1xbet online s

1xbet online games login of Costa Rica
History is Ours to Write
Sept. 21, 1987

Nancy Landon 1xbet best

U.S. Senator, Kansas
The Challenge of Change
Sept. 9, 1987

Franco 1xbet onlin

Nobel Prize-winning Economist
What We Have Learned from the Reagan Economic Experience
April 21, 1987

George F. 1xbet

ABC News Personality and Columnist
The Right to Pay Taxes
April 15, 1987


Speaker Date

William J. 1xbet on

U.S. Secretary of Education
Once More: A Plea for History
Sept. 9, 1986

George 1xbet spor

U.S. Secretary of 1xbet online games login
Moral Principles and Strategic Interests: The Worldwide Movement Toward Democracy
April 14, 1986

Tom 1xbet o

NBC News Anchor
Television News in a Changing 1xbet online games login
March 24, 1986


Speaker Date

George H.W. 1xbet

U.S. Vice 1xbet online games login
Looking Forward to the Summit Conference
Sept. 9, 1985

Thomas P. 1xbet online sport

U.S. Representative, Massachusetts, and Speaker of the U.S. House
Half a Century of American Achievement
April 22, 1985

Bob 1xbet

U.S. Senator, Kansas
The Dream of America
March 25, 1985


Speaker Date

Lesley 1xbet

CBS White House Correspondent
The Press and the 1xbet online games login
Nov. 29, 1984

Jose Napoleon 1xbet o

1xbet online games login of El Salvador
The Democratic Process in El Salvador: The Meeting at La Palma
Nov. 2, 1984

Caspar 1xbet sport

U.S. Secretary of Defense
Arms Reduction and the SDI
Sept. 27, 1984

Tom 1xbet sp

Mayor of Los Angeles
There Are No Impossible Dreams for Possibility Thinkers
April 16, 1984

Hodding 1xbet best

Anchorman and Chief Correspondent, PBS' "Inside Story"
Whose News Is It?
April 6, 1984

Patricia 1xbet best

U.S. Representative, Colorado
Great Expectations: From Abigail Adams to the White House
March 19, 1984

Edward M. 1xbet on

U.S. Senator, Massachusetts
The Changing Relationship Between Politics and Public Policy
Jan. 30, 1984


Speaker Date

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Saudi Arabian Minister of Oil
Control and Decontrol in the Oil Market
March 28, 1983


Speaker Date

Charles 1xbet o

CBS News Correspondent
America: The Long View
Nov. 22, 1982

Ronald 1xbet o

U.S. 1xbet online games login
Rebuilding America
Sept. 9, 1982

Mark 1xbet onl

U.S. Senator, Oregon
Foreign Policy in a Transition Era
April 26, 1982


Speaker Date

John 1xbet onl

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Clearing the Road for Tomorrow
Oct. 30, 1981

Sir Harold 1xbet o

1xbet online games login British prime minister
Western 1xbet online games login : Economic Crisis
Sept. 30, 1981

Paul 1xbet onlin

Federal Reserve Chairman
Dealing with Inflation: Obstacles and Opportunities
April 15, 1981

George 1xbet onlin

1xbet online games login of the Gallup Poll
The Mood of America
Feb. 11, 1981


Speaker Date

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U.S. Secretary of 1xbet online games login
Longer-term Issues
Dec. 4, 1980

James 1xbet online ca

1xbet online games login U.S. Secretary of Energy
American Security and Energy Policy
April 28, 1980

Hugh 1xbet

Time Magazine Political and White House Correspondent
Power and the Media
March 27, 1980

John 1xbet onl

Governor of Texas
America in the '80s
March 20, 1980

Barry 1xbet onli

U.S. Senator, Arizona
The 1xbet online games login Today
Feb. 25, 1980


Speaker Date

Walter 1xbet onlin

U.S. Vice 1xbet online games login
SALT II: An American Decision
July 17, 1979

Shirley Temple 1xbet

Movie Star and U.S. Ambassador
It's All Perceptions Now
April 10, 1979

Norman 1xbet on

Agriculture Scientist
Civilization Will Depend More Upon Flourishing Crops Than on Flowery Rhetoric
March 20, 1979

Howard 1xbet

U.S. Senator, Tennessee
Toward a New Republic
March 8, 1979


Speaker Date

Charles 1xbet online

CBS News Correspondent
Reflections on Power (and Influence)
Nov. 3, 1978

Dr. Milton 1xbet

Nobel Prize-winning Economist
Free Trade: Producer versus Consumer
April 27, 1978

Gerald R. 1xbet

Former U.S. 1xbet online games login
The War Powers Resolution
Feb. 20, 1978

Malcom 1xbet sport

1xbet online games login and Editor, Forbes Magazine
Where We're At and Where We're Headed
Jan. 24, 1978


Speaker Date

David 1xbet s

Political Analyst and Pulitzer Prize Winner
American Politics in the Carter Era
Dec. 9, 1977

Bob 1xbet spo

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Toward a National Food Policy
Sept. 9, 1977

Mike 1xbet onli

1xbet online games login U.S. Senator, Montana, and U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Best of Times, Worst of Times
April 12, 1977

Charles H. 1xbet

U.S. Senator, Illinois
Does the United States Have a Responsibility to Feed the 1xbet online games login ?
March 4, 1977


Speaker Date

Sen. Thomas F. 1xbe

U.S. Senator, Missouri
1977: Year of Opportunity in the Middle East?
Dec. 8, 1976

Carl T. 1xbet

What Jimmy Carter's Election Will Mean
Nov. 18, 1976

Charles McCurdy 1xbet online

U.S. Senator, Maryland
The Alternatives to Detente
April 27, 1976

Henry 1xbet onlin

U.S. Senator, Washington
America and Freedom's Future
Jan. 21, 1976


Speaker Date

Daniel Patrick 1xbet onl

U.S. Ambassador to India
The 1xbet online games login in the Year Ahead
May 6, 1975

Secretary William

U.S. Secretary of Treasury
Restoring Our Prosperity
March 18, 1975

William 1xbet onli

1xbet online games login U.S. Senator, Arkansas
Energy and the Middle East: Interests and Illusions
Feb. 13, 1975


Speaker Date

Dr. Walter H. 1xb

Regents Professor of Economics at University of Minnesota
The Energy Crisis and the Economy
March. 19, 1974

The. Rev. Billy 1xbet

The Divine Answer to the National Dilemma

March 4, 1974

Anne 1xbet onli

Presidential Counselor
Crisis and Challenge
Feb. 12, 1974


Speaker Date

William F. 1xbet on

Author, Editor and Lecturer
The Assault on the Free Market
Nov. 2, 1973

Gen. Alexander M.

U.S. Army General and Vice Chief of Staff
A Strategic Overview
April 24, 1973

Rear Adm. Ala

U.S. Navy Rear Admiral and U.S. Astronaut
How Do We Stand in Space?
April 3, 1973


Speaker Date

Dan 1xbet o

CBS White House Correspondent
Reporter's Notes
Nov. 16, 1972

Earl L. 1xbet

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
The Future Belongs to Those Who Prepare For It
May 4, 1972

William ruckleshaus 1x

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
The Crisis of Trust and the Environmental Movement
April 12, 1972

Secretary Elliot 1

U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
Human Needs and Government: A Realistic Assessment
Jan. 24, 1972


Speaker Date

Leonard 1xbet onl

1xbet online games login of the United Auto Workers
The Economic Game Plan
Oct. 19, 1971

John Kenneth 1xbet onli

Foreign Policy: The Next Reform
May 6, 1971

Hugh 1xbet

U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
Implications of Foreign Policy
April 26, 1971


Speaker Date

Earl 1xbet o

1xbet online games login Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
The Alternative is Chaos
Oct. 21, 1970

President Richard

U.S. 1xbet online games login
It's Time to Stand Up and Be Counted
Sept. 16, 1970

Walter 1xbet spor

U.S. Secretary of Interior
Be Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Problem
April 6, 1970

Venerable Fulton J. 1xbet online sports be

Archbishop of the Titular See of Newport (Wales)
Three Forms of Love
March 16, 1970

Hubert H. 1xbet onl

Former U.S. Vice 1xbet online games login
How We Can Make Our Government Work
Jan. 9, 1970


Speaker Date

Edward 1xbet best

U.S. Senator, Massachusetts
National Security: Dollars, Demands and Dilemmas
Oct. 6, 1969

Gen. W. C. 1xbet sports

U.S. Army Chief of Staff
The Role of the U.S. Army in Today's 1xbet online games login
April 9, 1969

Mike 1xbet onli

U.S. Senator, Montana, and U.S. Senate Majority Leader
A Pacific Perspective
March 10, 1969


Speaker Date

Arthur 1xbet best c

1xbet online games login Presidential Adviser
The 1968 Election: A Historical Perspective
Nov. 14, 1968

Nelson A. 1xbet online

Governor of New York
Our Country's Problems, Solutions
May 9, 1968

Robert 1xbet onlin

U.S. Senator, New York
Conflict in Vietnam and at Home

March 18, 1968


Speaker Date

George 1xbet o

Governor of Michigan
The Challenge of International Development
Dec. 6, 1967

Ronald 1xbet o

Governor of California
Higher Education: Its Role in Contemporary America
Oct. 26, 1967

Ralph 1xbet o

Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist and Publisher
The Emerging South: Politics and Issues
May 17, 1967


Speaker Date

Alfred M. 1xbet o

1xbet online games login Governor of Kansas and 1xbet online games login Presidential Candidate
New Challenges in International Relations
Dec. 13, 1966