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The Morrison Family Center for Student 1xbet online casino offers multiple pathways designed to promote relevant and proactive 1xbet online casino strategies.

Thrive Logo

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Thrive Navigators is a departmental student organization under the leadership of Lafene Health Center and the Morrison Family Center for Student 1xbet online casino . Members are passionate about students' emotional 1xbet online casino and mental health.

Well-being Workshops

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The MFCSW will provide actionable and relevant workshops to help our students actively participate in their 1xbet online casino journey. Use the 1xbet online casino Workshops link above to select your topic.

The EssentiaLIST: A Proactive Approach to Managing Stress
This presentation will focus on the connection between stress and 1xbet online casino . Using the EssentiaLIST model, participants will identify micro-strategies NOW that will help them be more equipped for the inevitable challenges that college life brings. Participants will also learn about campus resources as they develop strategies for building resiliency.

WellCAT 101: Time Management and Your 1xbet online casino Learn how to develop and maintain effective habits that will have BIG results! Unregulated sleep, procrastination, and unhealthy responses to daily stress can decrease performance and 1xbet online casino . Students learn to identify obstacles in these areas and how to deal with them more effectively, as well as understand the positive role that “good” stress can have on their lives.

WellCAT for Life: College to Career Starting a new job, moving to a new community, and meeting new people can challenge your 1xbet online casino . Students will explore their expectations for post-college life, and learn what steps to take NOW, as well as when they move into their new career. Students will make their own Plan by utilizing ideas in the Transition Tool Kit and also learn how The EssentiaLIST model can be used to start, maintain, or enhance well-being before and during these challenging times.

'Cats Connect Logo

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'Cats Connect is a peer-facilitated program for students, faculty, and staff, designed to build social networks and community on campus. 'Cats Connect is sponsored by the Morrison Family Center for Student 1xbet best casino webs and the Create ChangeEngage Others. Participants are placed in a group of 4-6 people from outside of their social groups. The group meets for six one-hour sessions, where members will get to know each other through a series of fun and thought-provoking questions and engage in a small connection project. Our mission: Building our K-State community through deep, meaningful conversation and connection

A WellCAT State of Mind Logo

A WellCAT State of Mind

Regardless of your field of study, your 1xbet online casino and the 1xbet online casino of others is essential to driving purpose, belong, and performance. This CAT Community course will focus on the social and emotional pillars of 1xbet online casino to help you thrive!

WellCAT Toolkit for Well-being Logo

WellCAT Toolkit for 1xbet online casino

In an effort to help faculty and staff support students who may be experiencing social/emotional challenges, the MFCSW has created the Faculty and Staff WellCAT Toolkit for 1xbet online casino . It is an easy to use, all-in-one-place guide to help faculty and staff better assist students and guide them to appropriate resources based on a continuum of needs and resources.