Policy Number: 1000.0044
Effective Date: 04/15
Revised: 5/22


The purpose of this policy is to provide appropriate medical treatment for ADHD while identifying potential comorbidities and reducing the risk of controlled substance abuse among the students at Kansas State University.

Patients seeking medical care for ADHD who have not been tested, treated or diagnosed in the past will first be evaluated by a qualified professional at 1xbet online sports betting Health Center and 1xbet online sports betting CAPS. A comprehensive diagnostic evaluation would include the following assessments:

  1. Symptoms of ADHD, with reference to DSM-5 criteria
  2. Impact of symptoms on current occupational, social, and academic functioning
  3. Developmental and educational history
  4. Attention, concentration, short term memory, and distractibility
  5. Other psychiatric conditions or substance abuse
  6. Referral to LHC medical 1xbet online sports betting if medical examination and lab testing necessary

Patients previously tested, diagnosed and treated for ADHD will make available, copies of their testing records and any other medical records as needed to Lafene for a medical staff 1xbet online sports betting evaluation. Patients not previously tested, but diagnosed with ADHD and who have been on medication for 3 or more years will make available, copies of their medical records to Lafene for a medical staff 1xbet online sports betting to evaluate. Patients may be asked to give permission for a Lafene medical staff member to consult with the testing 1xbet online sports betting , a parent or a legal guardian about the diagnosis. HIPAA and FERPA mandates will be applied.

Patients not previously tested, but diagnosed with ADHD and who have been on medication for less than 3 years must be evaluated as a brand new patient for ADHD.

Validated instruments to support the diagnosis can be used to aid in the assessment. Neuropsychological testing may be considered when diagnosis remains unclear. The cost of this testing will be at the patients’ expense and will not be billed health plan/insurance.

If testing is utilized, the testing 1xbet online sports betting must notify the referring 1xbet online sports betting of the testing results PRIOR to scheduling the patient for a follow-up with the referring 1xbet online sports betting . This affords the referring 1xbet online sports betting the opportunity to check KTRACS prior to the follow-up appointment.

Patients will be asked to review and sign a Controlled Medication Agreement at baseline. This would be completed at their initial office visit with the dispensing 1xbet online sports betting . The agreement outlines the conditions for treatment and steps that will be taken should any of the conditions of the agreement be violated. This may be reviewed periodically as deemed necessary by the 1xbet online sports betting .

Students should contact the Office of Student Access regarding academic accommodations, if they are deemed necessary.

A student who is being treated for ADHD should be seen by the dispensing 1xbet online sports betting at least every three months. The dispensing 1xbet online sports betting may prescribe up to a 90-day supply of medication at one time by issuing separate 30 day prescriptions that include a “do not fill until (date)” or the patient can be seen and receive a script at that time and may call in to the Lafene Pharmacy or
their preferred pharmacy for 2 additional refills at one month intervals. Special considerations may be made for those students who are studying abroad or will be away for an extended period of time.

Student athletes should consult with their trainer for NCAA compliance and to ensure that they are established with the learning specialist.


ADHD in adults: good practice guidelines. Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland. 2017.

Buckstein O. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, course, assessment, and diagnosis. In: Post TW, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA.: UpToDate; 2018. www.uptodate.com. Accessed November 2, 2020.

Post RE, Kurlansik ST. Diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults. Am Fam Physician. 2012 May 1;85(9):890-896.