Patient Rights & responsibilities 1xbet online sports betting

When you come to Lafene Health Center and place yourself under the care of one of our medical professionals, you are eliciting certain expectations and responsibilities, both on 1xbet online sports betting part and on our part.


  1. The health fee you pay as a part of 1xbet online sports betting tuition helps maintain the Health Center, keeping it accessible and available to all students.
  2. The healthcare provider may need to order laboratory tests, x-rays, medications, treatments or other procedures to assist in 1xbet online sports betting care. You will be charged a fee, customarily much less than you would have to pay in the general community.
  3. If you have health insurance coverage, we will process 1xbet online sports betting claim for you. We are also able to submit claims for medications for a limited number of insurance plans.

1xbet online sports betting Responsibilities:

  1. To ask questions if 1xbet online sports betting don't understand or need further explanation.
  2. To provide accurate and complete information about matters relating to 1xbet online sports betting health and to report unexpected changes in 1xbet online sports betting health condition.
  3. To follow 1xbet online sports betting medical provider's recommendations.
  4. To be on time for 1xbet online sports betting appointments or cancel in advance.
  5. To be considerate of the rights of others, including other patients and 1xbet online sports betting Center personnel.
  6. To adhere to Lafene’s guidelines to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission within the health center by wearing a mask that covers 1xbet online sports betting nose and mouth, keeping physical distance of at least six feet whenever possible between yourself and others, practicing hand hygiene frequently, and following the directives of staff while in the health center.
  7. To pay any outstanding charges in a timely manner.

Our Responsibilities:

  1. To care for 1xbet online sports betting illness or injury to the best of our abilities and resources.
  2. To provide prompt and easily understandable answers and explanations to 1xbet online sports betting questions.
  3. To treat 1xbet online sports betting with respect and courtesy.
  4. To refer 1xbet online sports betting to another healthcare provider or facility in a timely manner, if necessary.
  5. To provide you with the identity and professional status of 1xbet online sports betting healthcare provider.
  6. To allow you to examine and provide you with an explanation of 1xbet online sports betting bill for services.
  7. To maintain the privacy of 1xbet online sports betting health information
  8. To provide you with an opportunity to express a comment or complaint about services provided and the charges for them and to expect a fair review and consideration of 1xbet online sports betting concern.

We are glad to be here for 1xbet online sports betting when 1xbet online sports betting need us and we will do everything we can to provide 1xbet online sports betting with quality care.