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1xbet online casino - September 15, 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by President John Blessing, N&1xbet online casino ;YRL.


A great circle map was discussed.

The Oct. 10 KSUARC / MAARS auction was discussed. It will begin at 1 P.M. Some club members will be needed to help. The location is at the Dillmans' at 210 Gehrt Rd.

The old file cabinet and repeater cabinet need to be moved out for the auction.


The club decided to order a Heil foot switch for the ICOM IC-736.

There was discussion of getting a computer for callsign lookup and Internet activity.

We may have a new home for the pop machine.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online casino ;JCC will run a 20m special event station for Brinkley Days in the Milford area, on Sept. 20.

Thanks much to Bill Kuhn, KO4MH for taking 1xbet online casino at this meeting while the secretary was across the street at the KSU volleyball game.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online casino ;JPM

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