1xbet online casino

Minutes - September 8, 2011

The 1xbet online casino met briefly in 401 Seaton Hall, when a general building fire alarm sounded, forcing 1xbet online casino members into the 65° weather and the Ahearn Field House yard. Group photos were taken while outside, and new members were officially signed up.

  • Club officers were 1xbet online casino , as no official meetings had occurred since early 2010. Matt Clewell was 1xbet online casino president. David Yoder, KAØJPM was 1xbet online casino secretary-treasurer. Chris Casey, NØVRP was 1xbet online casino station manager, and Riley Harrington was 1xbet online casino activities manager.

  • The status of the Yaesu G-800SDX rotor was checked. Its direction indicator was flaky last week, causing concern that there was a loose connection somewhere between the control and the rotor itself. Nothing was found, and the direction indicator was stabilized when we left the station.

  • As several new members are unlicensed, there was discussion on signing up individuals as volunteer examiners with the ARRL-VEC.

  • License manuals have been ordered, and time will be allocated in meetings for assisting interested individuals in exam preparation. The 1xbet online casino has not yet voted to pay for the license study manuals.

  • It was agreed for the time being to continue to meet in the 1xbet online casino station, 401 Seaton Hall, on Thursday mornings at 10 a.m.

David Yoder, KAØJPM

