1xbet online sports betting P.M. by President John
1xbet online sports betting

Minutes - September 1, 1998

The 1xbet online sports betting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President John Blessing, NØYRL.

Norm Dillman, NØJCC announced an interesting program for the next MAARS 1xbet online sports betting on September 11. Brad Guenther from KSU will discuss a variety of topics, including Internet security issues.

Norm announced the amateur radio 1xbet online sports betting planned for October 10 at 1 P.M. The location is the Dillmans' place, 210 Gerht Rd. A number of items have been donated for KSUARC to 1xbet online sports betting . (See the main page for a partial list). The members of KSUARC need to support this 1xbet online sports betting by being available to help on 1xbet online sports betting day.

The club welcomed new member Joe Ralston, K6ESR to his first 1xbet online sports betting .

The Dillmans are planning to run a special event station on September 19, in observance of Dr. Brinkley day(s).

The members agreed that the air conditioner in the Weapons Room should be kept running at some level during the warm months.

It was informally agreed that we would sell the legendary pop machine for , but would try to get some idea of what it's worth.

There was a lengthy discussion on the adventure this summer with locating the source of interference to the local 2m repeaters. The source was a TV amplifier in the Tuttle Creek area. The interference varied in frequency, therefore affecting both repeaters at times over the last four months.

The 1xbet online sports betting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

David Yoder, KAØJPM


1xbet online sports betting
e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

1xbet online sports betting