1xbet sports betting

Minutes - August 30, 2017

The monthly business meeting of the KSU Amateur Radio 1xbet sports betting was called to order by President James Copeland at 6:30 P in 135 Ward Hall on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.

1xbet sports betting officers in attendance:
President: James Copeland, KD&1xbet sports betting ;ICP
Secretary-Treasurer, David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM
Station Manager: Tyler Tryon, KE&1xbet sports betting ;JUT
Activities Manager: Max Nager, W2MAX
Adviser: Vern Wirka, W&1xbet sports betting ;VMP

Jesse Gilmore, KE&1xbet sports betting ;GVG
Dr. Douglas McGregor, KE&1xbet sports betting ;HSH
Reid Sayler, KE&1xbet sports betting ;EIE
sorry... a few others were in attendance who I failed to record

Presentation by Jon Klimek, KE&1xbet sports betting ;LHK

Jon Klimek is the new Riley County Emergency Coordinator in the world of amateur radio. 1xbet sports betting gave club members a very fine introduction to the emergency response organization within the ARRL, and how it fits into Riley County and the Manhattan area. It's obvious that Jon is going to do a very fine job with this position.

1xbet sports betting Business and Updates

Adviser Vern Wirka, W&1xbet sports betting ;VMP, gave us some updates on the station. First, he modified the antenna transmission line entrance to the station... the one that looks like giant twinlead, that goes to the tuner. He installed some chokes to increase induction, and reduce damage by lightning. It will be helpful for 160m operation, also.

Vern showed a Powerpoint rundown of a couple of vintage radios 1xbet sports betting acquired in a summer auction: a Hallicrafters SX-100 and a Heathkit DX-60. 1xbet sports betting has restored them electronically.

Vern also reported a bit of a DXpedition to the Johnny Cash museum in Nashville. Little did we know... Johnny was a CW operator in the military. From Wikipedia:

Cash enlisted in the United States Air Force on July 7, 1950. After basic training at Lackland Air Force Base and technical training at Brooks Air Force Base, both in San Antonio, Texas, Cash was assigned to the 12th Radio Squadron Mobile of the U.S. Air Force Security Service at Landsberg, Germany as a Morse Code operator intercepting Soviet Army transmissions.

Vern got to see, among other things, Johnny's logs from his days as a radio operator.

Tyler Tryon, KE&1xbet sports betting ;JUT, showed us a transmitter box he put together for foxhunts.

President Copeland mentioned the club net, currently scheduled for 6:30 P on Sundays, on W&1xbet sports betting ;QQQ/R. He also mentioned the Collegiate Amateur Radio Net. We don't have details for these minutes.

President Copeland announced that the annual School 1xbet sports betting Roundup is coming up in October. KSUARC came in 5th place in 2016. Let's win this thing!

We're moving closer to purchase of the new ICOM IC-7300. There's a rebate available through September, making the current cost ,400.

David Yoder gave a summary of the 1xbet sports betting 's financial situation, as follows: Foundation account: ,086, checking account: ,542, savings account: 9, petty cash: 0. Our 1xbet sports betting has almost exactly ,000 net worth at this time. Now the challenge is to get set up to expend the Foundation funds for the radio.

Tyler Tryon, KE&1xbet sports betting ;JUT was selected as the new station manager, as Earl Watkins has moved on, after his outstanding service. President Copeland gave Earl a big shoutout for his work. David Yoder followed that with a shoutout to Vern Wirka, who accomplished great things during his time as station manager.

Max Nager, W2MAX, may be stepping down as activities manager, as 1xbet sports betting has stepped into a full-time role with the university.

submitted by:
David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM

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